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Advice on a .410 wanted?


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I am seriously considering purchasing a .410 but know little of what I should be looking for. Being a light gun, I thought it would be ideal to carry around when I am checking my feeders. It would be used to pot off any vermin I encountered. I have looked at some but they are cheep and nasty but don't feel I want to pay for a £1000 Beretta. Also what barrel length and choke should I be looking for? Your expert advice would be helpful.

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I would think about a 28 bore as they alot more flexible and it wont weigh anymore than a 410 in most models.


Lincoln do good mid range guns, avoid Baikals they weigh as much as most 12 bores in the small gauges and are unbelievably stiff when new!!


I has a 28 bore Investarm for a while for my daughter and although they are perceived as cheap and nasty it was actually not bad at all for the money, only issue was the top level was stiff as it actually cocks the gun.


Barrel length, I would go for a 28 inch 1/4 and 1/2 or multi.

Edited by JRDS
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