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Role reversal


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I've been wondering about trying a different tactic in the field with the lamp :( but it may be quite laughable :*) on the other hand :) but here goes anyway.


It is known that out at night with the lamp :( , the rabbits at some point familiarize either the white light or amber or whatever colour you prefer to use with a sharp painful experience to follow and so the next couple of nights or every other they shy off quite quick.


Wouldn't the same go as if you were to go out without the gun and just to lamp a few but not shoot them (as odd as it sounds :lol:;) ) so they see the light but as they're not getting shot at they eventually, over a couple of nights, have a bit more staying power and not run off so quick because they're seeing it as just a light and not a pain bringer.

I don't know :D , what do you lot reckon?

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Hmmm, maybe you should take up the post of resident rabbit psychologist on the forum.


Didn't get close enough to shoot them last night so does that count as the first night of familiarising them with light being non hostile ?


We run the risk of attributing too much intelligence to animals and fish at times, they run pretty much on instinct IMHO.

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there alot smarter than you think, hes exactly right in saying the light brings along with it a painfull feeling and they know it. But if they get hit they die so how do the others know this if they havent been shot?


it seems as though the more you lamp the more they should get used to it, but its not the case because each light comes with a bang or death. You re probably right, if you lamp for a while without shooting they will probably get used to it and not be as weary, although it would probably take quite a while for them to forget the bang and death :lol:

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In theory it sound ok ;) ............................. but lets remeber that old bugs also has several other finely tuned sences to alert him to danger..........they are flight aminals, and anything that smells, sound or looks unatural will obviously put him on full alert anyway. :lol:


Paul i North lincs.

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