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explosives licence

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Stuart are you asking how do you obtain an explosive license for black powder? If you just want to reload shotgun ammuntion or centrefire ammo you need either a shotgun license or firearms license. The dealers now request sight of the FAC/shotgun certificate before they will sell you primers. You don't need the FAC to purchase powder but you will need an FAC with permission for expanding ammuntion if you plan to buy expanding bullets. Not sure about the black powder license but I expect someone else can point you in the right direction if not your firearms enquiry officer will know.

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Explosives licenses are issued by local councils, - the department that issues them will vary according to the county, but in Surrey its Trading Standards.


There is no set fee, and it varies according to which council you are applying to - a quick google on it reveals fees from £80 to £500 depending on what you are licensing where.


Generally they will want a fireproof room with secure locks, and an inspection is needed.


Explosives storage is based on powder wt, there are exemptions for small amounts, hence you dont need one to store up to about 10,000 shotgun cartridges. Over 10,000 you have more than 5kg of powder in the carts, and need one.

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Stuart, the interview process is similar to those conducted for SGC/FAC grants, but done with greater depth and stringency. The FEO pays particular attention to storage, use and disposal of blackpowder. I had an 'acquire and keep' licence for BP, for muzzle-loading guns and cannons.


It's a lot less exciting than it sounds: Plod was sadly unwilling to allow me to acquire and keep RDX, cutting charges and det cord.

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I take it that i would need a explosives licence to reload carts? are they free?


If your reloading Nitro cartridges You Dont need an Explosives licence


If however you want to use Blackpowder you will need


1/ Explosives licence from your firearms police,

Mine was Free, they will pay you a visit to check your store

This will have to be a timber lockable box built to the police firearms spec in a safe cool place, Not near a point of exit !! and Not outside


2/ a Recipient competent authority transfer document so you can carry it in your car , you get one from the HSE


3/ A Registerd store certificate, from your local Council (mine was £13)



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You are right to a point but if you store over 5kg of nitropowders you have to register with the police for which a fee is payable. Local authorities now only deal with ammunition stores and fireworks. This all comes under the 'new' MSER regs.




If your reloading Nitro cartridges You Dont need an Explosives licence


If however you want to use Blackpowder you will need


1/ Explosives licence from your firearms police,

Mine was Free, they will pay you a visit to check your store

This will have to be a timber lockable box built to the police firearms spec in a safe cool place, Not near a point of exit !! and Not outside


2/ a Recipient competent authority transfer document so you can carry it in your car , you get one from the HSE


3/ A Registerd store certificate, from your local Council (mine was £13)



Edited by palombier
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