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amazing,to think members money goes towards such ****.no matter how it was worded the statement issued will be quoted in nice bite size chunks by the antis.

simon clarke said "the basc is entitled to make up its own mind".presumptious *****.i assume that if the lacs sends a video to marford mill they will condem whatever it shows ? a time for unity ruined by jumping into bed with animal aid.

do we have to look forward to basc saying mr fluffy bunny is nice and mr foxy woxy should be sent on a two week outward bound course to see the error of his ways ?

seems its run by people who have got ideas above their station,too much time pushing a pen and not enough time shooting.

so,to end this rant now lb enough to say my subscription has been cancelled by e-mail tonight. :<

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I have not read the release or the article - I can't see any sign on BASC's site about it. I had already made up my mind (posted about it a couple of month's ago) of my intention to stop my BASC membership and take out a new one with the Countryside Alliance, this only serves to re-inforce my belief, it was the right choice. The BASC has done little (in my opinion), and is very little known outside shooting circles, in contrast the CA has been constantly getting involved in debates, articles published and getting its views and messages out there to the population, the BASC seems to be sticking its head in the sand, and if this report is true, it would not suprise me, it seems as if they are content to let anti's take little bits and pieces of us - they did very little to speak about hunting, they could have mobilised their membership but chose not to. Finally, it seems that the rises in shooting's popularity is despite BASC and not because of it.


Remember: you can only eat an elephant by taking small bites.....

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totally agree teal.it goes against the grain that the basc is silent and then when it does make its voice heard is in such a gerald ratner type way.

not been happy that they chose to keep quiet about the hunting ban.

in the same issue of shooting times the association of cheif police officers issued guidance that suggests anyone in breach of the anti hunt laws will not receive a criminal record=no threat to gun licence holders.

and what do the basc do with this golden opportunity to show solidarity ?

****** all thats what.maybe in years to come they will rue the day they sat about in their glass houses doing the crossword in the gaurdian.and long may it haunt them

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Just to add to my previous post. I realise a lot of people are very protective of BASC and a lot of people are very critical. I certainly feel, as a member I have a right to voice my opinion and have in letters. Whilst in general I stick with what I said in my previous post I will add on the further following lines after learning of this specific incedence. It does not change my opinion about BASC for the reasons I have said, and which digger iterated.


I personally think it will be very hard (impossible) to go along with Animal rights without them twisting your arm very badly behind your back and stabbing you in the back - afterall what do they have to lose when they "expose something" - loss of trust with BASC - why do they give a toss about that!! They want shooting banned, bit by bit. Let's remember even in Animal Aid's press releases - http://www.animalaid.org.uk/press/0501basc.htm they cram in as many ban shooting and anti shooting messages as they can.


It seems the issue is about intensive gamebird rearing in battery style coops. I did not know that before replying as the previous posts were entirely unclear, and did not mention rational grounds of an agreement - instead simply suggesting a BASC - Animal Aid wide alliance. They simply agree on one issue.


I abhore battery style coops, it most definitely the way to get shooting banned. I find it straightforward to justify shooting to non-shooting friends and am getting more and more confident that I can convince others that game is superior to intensive farmed meat. So with something like this I will find it much much more difficult to defend the larger shoots and the ones which rear in this way. The rearing fields should be on grass, and the laying pens should be of the size required (ratio per bird) for free range chicken rearing. I think BASC is right to oppose them and to change their guidelines and booklets to include their prefered ways of rearing.

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Let's remember even in Animal Aid's press releases - http://www.animalaid.org.uk/press/0501basc.htm they cram in as many ban shooting and anti shooting messages as they can.

I cannot beleive that the BASC have got the audacity to 'partner' with an organisation that puts such a slur on the sport.


It mentions people paying for the privilege and fun of killing animals but fails to mention that nothing is actually wasted.


Game is not left to rot - certainly on shoots that I attend everything is taken away and eaten. Even on larger shoots with significant bags the left over game is sold to dealers or given to local eateries.


BASC have let them have an inch and they'll take a mile - along with the rest.


I echo Teal's comments about the battery style rearing and agree that it isn't right - not by a long way.


I beleive that the BASC knew about it anyway and could have taken action without the aid of an opposing body - they have left themselves (and the likes of us) wide open.


Not to have a press releas on their website about it is criminal in itself, why have they not explained the why's and wherefores of shooting as the animal aid lot have supposedly done with their slur?


Utter madness :devil:

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Whilst in general I stick with what I said in my previous post I will add on the further following lines after learning of this specific incedence. It does not change my opinion about BASC for the reasons I have said, and which digger iterated.


I personally think it will be very hard (impossible) to go along with Animal rights without them twisting your arm very badly behind your back and stabbing you in the back - afterall what do they have to lose when they "expose something" - loss of trust with BASC - why do they give a toss about that!! They want shooting banned, bit by bit. Let's remember even in Animal Aid's press releases - http://www.animalaid.org.uk/press/0501basc.htm they cram in as many ban shooting and anti shooting messages as they can.


It seems the issue is about intensive gamebird rearing in battery style coops. I did not know that before replying as the previous posts were entirely unclear, and did not mention rational grounds of an agreement - instead simply suggesting a BASC - Animal Aid wide alliance. They simply agree on one issue.


I abhore battery style coops, it most definitely the way to get shooting banned. I find it straightforward to justify shooting to non-shooting friends and am getting more and more confident that I can convince others that game is superior to intensive farmed meat. So with something like this I will find it much much more difficult to defend the larger shoots and the ones which rear in this way. The rearing fields should be on grass, and the laying pens should be of the size required (ratio per bird) for free range chicken rearing. I think BASC is right to oppose them and to change their guidelines and booklets to include their prefered ways of rearing.

Teal, I apologise for dropping you in it. I assumed everyone would have had read the shooting times, sorry. :*)


Why have you shooters not read it? :<

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Unfortunately this isn’t the first time BASC have pulled the rug from under the shooting community.

Three or four years ago the NGO organised a bit of a competition to coincide with the annual “National Pigeon Day” held every February. A prize was to be presented for the largest number of pigeons shot.

So. What did BASC do???? They contacted the big guns in the media and totally condemned the idea, calling it “Crass”. :yp:

This was soon picked up by all the other newspapers/TV etc and was very soon being discussed in the “House”, by MPs wanting to know why thousands of innocent birds all over the country were going to be shot by people with guns by way of a competition.

This “National Pigeon Day” has been taking place for years, and it was just an idea to bring a little spice to it by way of a competition, but the repercussions of BASC’s stance against it almost cost us our sport. :D

How? Because it started ministers thinking about the “Open General Licence”, which is how we are able to shoot in the UK without the same restrictions placed on our European cousins.

The ****e that this stirred up was unbelievable and BASC were totally wrong in their opposition to what was an NGO idea. :)

I almost left BASC because of that stupid bit of arrogance, and I am now wondering what other daft ideas they are fermenting in the name of appeasing the anti’s.

Remember an appeaser, is someone who feeds a crocodile hoping that he will be the last one to be eaten!!!!!!!. :lol:


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