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Lamps, which one????


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I used to use a Tracer compact with the battery incorporated in the lamp, which i found perfect for a long walk in the dark, no strain on your back with a heavy battery. I cant seem to find one for sale, so it looks like i need to bite the bullet and get a battery pack jobie.


So come on then which one do i go for, how much? etc, etc, etc.

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Given this is in the air gunner section I guess you'll use it for one.


There is a tracer Atom Tactical which comes with an elastcated battery pack pouch that stretch fits the butt. Get a recent build one that has a 2000mah NimH pack. No trailing wires etc, and it will see you through a three hour walkabout if you are sensible with the dimmer switch setting and "on" time.



Edited by Dave-G
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Given this is in the air gunner section I guess you'll use it for one.


There is a tracer Atom Tactical which comes with an elastcated battery pack pouch that stretch fits the butt. Get a recent build one that has a 2000mah NimH pack. No trailing wires etc, and it will see you through a three hour walkabout if you are sensible with the dimmer switch setting and "on" time.





Yes its for my AA 410k


Thanks for all the advice.

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The Deben Tracer Atom Tactical is supplied with a dimmer - and it is well worth the extra cost. Most other Deben lamps are available with or without a dimmer. I'd say - if you do not have a dimmer, have the lamp correctly aligned but don't "aim on" till you are ready to shoot. The Debens also have flip down filters available.

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