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How would you approach it?


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Hi, I have permission on a 40 acre field of linseed between two fields of rape (no permission) that are getting hammered by pigeons. The only cover I can set up in is around a pond 1/3 of the way into the field. The bulk of the pigeons move across the other side of the field, but it is totally open and has a small road near it and not really able to shoot that side.


I set up by the pond last week for a couple of hours. It was a very windy day. I put a 12 decoy horeshoe pattern out. I had a few lone pigeons from across the field divert over my direction for a look but were not interested in coming close enough. I had a few come from behind and from the side that looked like wanting to land before I shot them :welcomeani: . There were also a couple that flew into the trees above me, thet came from behind.


I think my cover was ok; bush to one side, trees behind/over head and a good net blocking everything else.

I don't have a magnet or flapper. (yet).


What would you try to encorage them in better? I was thinking a bigger decoy pattern. How would I add more decoys to the pattern? Same shape pattern? Two groups with a gap in the middle? I've seen many patterns for setting out about 12 decoys but I've no idea how to set out say 25 decoys. Any help would be much appreciated.





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Always better to have the hide in natural cover if you can , but dont be afraid to set a hide up in the open as long as you follow the general cover up stay still procedures. The birds will dictate the best place to set up if you take time to study their flight pattern.

They are probably more interested in the rape at the moment , a magnet or flapper may help pull them in, or a floater/s can do the business very well and cheaper.

The more decoys the better this time of year as they are flocked up , a larger horse shoe pattern or use two patterns with with the gap between as the kill or flight through if they are reluctant to land, its all down to adjustment on the day till it brings results, even then they can do as they please no matter what you try .

Try lofting a bird or two in the tree.

Good luck

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There are two main issues as I see it.

Firstly you need to be under or very near a major flight line or you will only get a meagre passing trade.

Secondly, you need lots of movement in your decoy set-up. Without this there is little chance of pulling the birds away from somewhere they are feeding heavily on.

There are other factors like wind direction/strength that will affect the pattern you set out. Its all been said on here before so my advice is to do a search and some reading. The only other thing I would say is that the traditional horseshoe pattern isn't neccessarily the best in all circumstances so be prepared to try something new!


Good luck!

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