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What Seat for your hide


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I have a green deckchair i use which was sitting about in the shed which saved me some money, trouble is i`m having the same problem as others in that it is too short and it`s a struggle to get up quickly, the bucket seats are the same as they are on 18" high, keep locking for others, looked at backpack/fishing seat chairs and the are short too, I`m stuck as i want a new chair but higher up.

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The secret of shooting effectively with a "drum seat", or shooting stick, is to learn to shoot sitting down.

Don't stand up to shoot.

The advantages include less movement in the hide, lower profile hides , reduction in "silly" shots (the ones where you stand up, bend over backwards, with your face off the stock and miss) and they are very easy to carry.

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hello mate.....i use a folding rucksack chair ( fishing seat from argos) you can wear it like a ruck sack , so is easy to get about with a very comfortable, plus you can carry all your gear with you.


think it was about £20.


let us know how you get on


all the best



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Yep those fishing type things are the ones i spotted in the argos book but wasn`t sure how big the rucksack bit was and also how high they stand.

I must admit i have never shot sitting down and think it would feel very alien to me, I have always been told stand up to take shots due to balance etc?

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I use a big bucket that i get from a dairy farmer which has a lid and i have 4" thick piece of polystyrene cut round to the shape of the lid as a cushion and it also helps raise the seating area to make it more comfortable then put it inside my big carry bag. The polystyrene has gaffer tape round the edges..

Can get 2 stealth nets in it plus other bits and pieces.. Scaffy also uses the same set up.. :good::yes: :yes:

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