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glass bedding


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Difficult to say, you really need to bench rest the rifle to get a proper idea of its true ability.


Bring the target back to 100 yards (just zero one inch high)


Use some sandbags or something stable, both front and rear of the gun.


Shoot 5 shot groups, 3 shots tell you very little.


If it cant hold better than 1.5" with any ammo (you dont say if you homeload or if you are using factory) Then you may see a very small amount of difference.


Pleanty of factory rifles shoot fine without glass bedding. Believe me when i say its a massive pain in the backside to do, it basically involves glueing your gun into your stock and hoping you put enough release agent on so you can get it out again.


Frankly you would probably be better off trying some other factory ammo.


What rifle is it etc...?

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cz varmint laminated 1-12 twist using homeloads v max 40g at 3,660fps, i use the rifle for fox and small deer, i don't do target shooting and for this reason i am happy with this level of accuracy out to 300yds but reading articles it got me to thinking

Don't want to sound like the pigeon watch police but you need to be using heavier heads for small deer, min 50 grain, there is also some thought that 'varmint' bullets are not the best, with a tendency to splash rather than penetrate on certain shots ( shoulder shot for instance ), soft points should give good penetration, may be a batch of new heads are required for further testing :blush:


As for bedding the action well why not, if you intend to do this yourself then read up or find some one local who has experience :yes:

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a CZ with a laminated stock should not require bedding as the timber is impervious the warp and weather and if machined correctly will provide excellent bedding for the action. Check to see if the barrel is pressure bedded at the front of the stock (small piece of raised timber in contact with the front of the barrel) If this is the case you may get an increase in accuracy by removing the timber to obtain a free floating barrel.

As said in a previous post sight in at 100m 1 inch high - use sand bags front and back.

Cheers :yes:

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thanks for that paul223 but i do keep a box of privi 55g for the odd m/j or cwd , didn't mention that as i only take one as i need for the freezer, the 40g are for foxes which make up 99% of the rifles use, strange law about the min weight for deer because i have in the past opened up a fox after shot with a 40g vmax and the internal damage is devastating even at over 250yds. on the matter of bedding are we only talking of millimeters , if so i suppose it is more important in competition than in the field, by the way the barrel is fully floating....thanks

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just after some opinions on glass or action bedding, with my 223 i zero in at 150yds shooting off my vehicle wing mirror and on a good day can achieve a group of about 1.5 inches, how much more tighter group could i get if i had the rifle bedded ?

If you can group 1.5" @ 150 yds resting on a wing mirror then i would leave well alone :look:

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