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Day on the maize


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Hi, went out today on the maize with buddy ProTOM1 we struggled to get them to drop into the pattern, they just seemed to want to fly past. The maize has just a small strip flattened so we set up on that. We shot steady all day, one's and two's but they were quite high and we took some silly long shots being eager to get our best bag this winter, and blew plenty of shells. The end result was a modest bag of 53, so we had an hour roosting to top it up, again slow considering the whole of the local woods were getting battered by roosters. We managed a few more to consolidate a bag of 73, better than it has been but still not good yet, time and patience I suppose.

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Been out for a couple of hours this afternoon, shot 31 woodies, 2 crows and a grey squirrel, lost 12 birds, they dropped on iced over ponds and couldn't reach them. Had to sit under a tree between 3 ponds to get some though, they would not drop into the maize, they were more interested in the beet tops over the road. better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick anyday

Would have been out early but had to sit up and wait for wifey to get in from on the **** last night on her mates birthday, 1.45am before she got in, I was well cidered up by then.

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I just went to have a look around really, thought I was a bit late but the best thing was they were coming in, in one's and two's, pity about the ice on the ponds but mr foxy will have a feast when it thaws. There were lots of tracks from fox, badger, deer, hares, rabbits and the game birds, I must get out one night and have a look around.

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