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Any green woodworkers on here?


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stag :)


I'll take that as confusion Stag :hmm:


Green woodwork is the art of using freshly cut wood to make furniture etc with the use of traditional hand tools such as drawknives, side axes, pole lathes etc.


This is the website of Mike Abbot, the UK's green woodworking guru:




It's a very satisfying hobby :yes:

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Hey that is some clever sh@t mate i'm a chippy and couldn't do that :good::yes:

stag :hmm:


It's great stuff, you should try it as many of your hand tools would be useful. The idea is basically that there are no power tools used.


I have a couple of solid oak benches with ash legs I have made and a sweet chestnut shave horse with ash legs and willow for the moving part to grip wood (although I did cheat a bit and use a Stihl to source the oak :yes: ).

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I now use chainsaws most of the time clearing boughs etc but working by axe all the way is great. using a razor sharp 7lb felling axe both right and air changing to using it left handed is the tops - bit dodgy if you let go. You wont see R Mears doing that one. I trained my son at 5 yrs old to use axes right/left handed just as the old woodmen did - now 17 he's built like a tank.


I like using hand axes to shape up - best products must be a dinning set; table + 4 chairs out of cherry and a Saxon summer house at the bottom of my garden with a greenwood wheel barrow bit odd & loadsa stools.


Must get back into it, tend to help the keepers most of the time on a large estate.

Edited by pigeon popper
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hi pigeon popper i also use a 7lb felling axe just for fun these days i have done this job for most of my life and am also built like an outdoor toilet at one time i was sporting 18 inch arms just down to the nature of the job.but tend to be more carefull these days as i have had some back problems but still love the job and wouldnt have it any other way i think its more of a way of life its in ya blood and its hell of a buzz its good to hear of like minded folk who like working with nature and with natures produce.


cheers and good health paddy.

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Hi BB - I used to do a bit for a farmer butcher as a lad, then went back to the woods say 12 yrs ago. I got permission from the owner of a large estate to do a bit of coppicing, and product making. Before I worked on the idea of how to build Neolithic dolmans and stonehenge etc - found the 'trick' of lifting heavy stones and got permission to build a 5 tonne dolman in a quarry in one day with my brother helping, no probs. Found the way to layput stonehenge did the lot in one cloudy day - all within tolerance. But the experts don't like it, too practical for them - but I can walk into a field with an axe and build megaliths, just like they were built - maybe I will get a break one day.


As getting my work published was full of stress, so I simply carried on working in the woods, learning all the tricks from the old woodmen, many gave me their old axes. I used to do axe demos at ploughing matches etc to get the old boys to chat a pick up a few tricks on hedgelaying etc.


One old boy looked at my axes and turned to my wife and said," if I was you I would sleep with one eye open"


Yep BB axe work is great for fitness I felled a large ash tree on my 50th birthday by axe, but now just turned 60 I have my doubts if I could do it again but must get the axes and cast iron kettle out again.


I did a coppice course in a wood near Oxford, run through all the safety to the guys warned them all my axes are razor sharp and to stay fallen 2 trees apart - but they just went for it trees falling on each other but they had the time of there life, plus the fire for the cast iron kettle for tea and BBQ.


My first wife wanted to write me a book called 'how to tell the time in a canoe' my second wife wants to also write me a book called 'how to tell the time in the woods' - just love it.

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