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What's my rifle worth?


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Hey guys. I'm selling my CZ527 Varmint Laminate and I've had an offer on it. Not sure if it's reasonable though? There's a new one on Guntrader for £650. Mine is about a year old, fired less than 100 rounds (probably more like 50) and is in as new condition. I've offered it up with a set of RCBS dies, 100 Lapua cases, 100 A-Max bullets and 100 primers. It's also screw cut.


What would you expect to sell this lot for?


EDIT.. Just looked on the sportsman site, they've gone up to £810 now!

Edited by njc110381
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it may be worth keeping hold of if you can for a month or so until all the older, cheaper rifles have been sold off. you may get most of your money back then!!!



That's true! I've already had one PM about it from a well known member. If he's willing to give me my original asking price I'll let it go as I'd be happy with that, but if not I'll keep it. I don't need the money and I've just sold my .22lr to make space for the gun I want. It could be a good idea to keep it now you mention it!

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You are doing this all wrong.....................................You buy Another/Bigger Cabinet lol.



Oh no, I have an RL7+ already! I Don't think I need more guns than I can fit in there, my mrs would make me very dead if I tried to introduce another safe to the house! I don't shoot the thing, there's no point keeping it. When I do take it out I only shoot sub 100 yard Foxes, so the Hornet I'm buying will do that with ease. I'm pretty sure I'm getting Fox on the Win Mag and 6.5x55 too, so any spooky Fox that tries to run past 200 yards can take one of them up the *** instead.


I'm sure a .300 is capable of a Texas heart shot on a Fox if needs must :good:

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Hope you guys don`t mind but rather than opening another thread thought i would jump on this one, i have a Webley mark 1 .22 air rifle. Is it worth anything? barely ever been used only ever fired 300 shots at most. Belonged to my dad and he left it to me he had it from new and he never used it really.

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