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A day ferreting with mates


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Met up with 3 mates today who travelled down to Lincs from Sheffield for a days ferreting. I took them on one of the farms and we had a decent day all told. We started off ferreting some open warrens netting 7 on the first, 4 on the next and then 6, we then moved on to a few dykes with hedegrows that were a bit overgrown and quite difficult. This was to get brownie points from the farmer as the rabbits were eating his fruit trees in his garden so needs must.

We struggled to net many of the holes as they were hard to get to so just netted the easy ones and took pot luck. We had 5 ferrets all collored up and 3 sounder boxed backed up with spades etc. After loosing many from the far side that was overgrown we managed to get to the end of the hedgerow. We had to dig about 4 where the ferrets had nailed a couple but not that bad digging really. We did another hedgerow after that one and called it a day, a count up at the end totalled 49 with just one half grown one. The mates were well chuffed and are yearning for more, and want to have a day with the dogs and lamp. They went home with a pick up full of bunnies and cheesy grins, a nice day out but that was on the hard bit, I will take them on the easy land next time.

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Sounds a cracking day out steve, we only managed 3 (let a young rabbit go) as it was the first time doing the sets and there was holes all over, we used 50 nets and didn't cover half the holes as you can tell off the pictures, not the best of quality as they are off my phone



Edited by Hezbear
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Top man :yp: I went yesterday and managed 2 which was a result from a very small bury and it was the girls first time out so they did well in my opinion.

I am struggling to find much ferreting here in Derbyshire as we have a lot of mixxy about and there are very few big warrens plus a few of my permissions have warrens in old mine working I am ******** if I am putting my girls in there.

Any sounds like you guys had a great day.

All the best Phil

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Haven't been ferreting for years now but used to enjoy it alot(except for the digging! :lol: )There's nothing like that sense of anticipation when you here the thudding of feet beneath you, and then a bundle of brown fur bursts into the net(if you haven't missed the hole) Always found frosty days the best.Great! :yp:

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yep well done

i used to like nothing better than going out with the ferrets but unfortunatly not got ferrets anymore as got no where to keep them anymore since moving house

dont think the neigbours would like the idea of me keeping ferrets plus dont think the land lord would aswell but always good to hear of people having a good day

out with them

last time i seen someone with ferrets was when i was on my way to my mates at hexham and they where ferreting on the round about just as you get to hexham

so sat in the traffic watching them and it brought back some good memories

so again well done :yp: :lol:

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