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Long Range Mangey Fox

bunny bagger

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Went out the other night to check out a new permission, its got over a mile of woodland so we were hopefull of a fox or two, as soon as i started calling we saw a pair of eyes but he was very shy and although he came into 200 yds it wouldnt come out of the wood and just sat watching us, we gave up on that one and went further along the wood.

We saw 5 Roe Deer, some were lying down ,others were walking about, i think i might put in for a variation for a 243 :oops:

We saw nothing else there so we drove to another patch of land ive just aquired. All the Ewes and Lambs were huddled in the corner of the field and there were 3 foxes worrying them. They were a fair way off but i was confident so i got down and settled the cross hairs on the clearest one, i heard a good impact but it appeared to run off. We walked towards the others, one ran off but the other one just walked to the other side of a stream, 3 times i got the ****** in the scope and each time as i was about to fire it moved, then it left.We found the first one i shot and it was quite a big Dog Fox covered in mange, we checked the range and it was roughly 300yds :good: my furthest yet

We will be back next weekend for the other two





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