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Magpie Murdering


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Went out today with my air rifle for a change,the plan being to shoot woodies in my favourite "resting" wood.Got there and the wind got up straight away(just my luck)which made killing the woodies clean nigh on impossible in the treetops.Leaving the wood i crossed paths with an unfortunate bunny who's last memory is of an Air Arms Field travelling at 600fps towards its head.I took the time to paunch said bunny immediately and launched the guts up a tree and started walking again when i heard a group of maggies making their usual racket,so i hid myself and waited for a bit,30-35yds away from the guts.Sure enough it wasn't long before the maggies were jumping around in the "gut" tree,i let them settle and drew a bead on the first maggie,which fell to a headshot,the rest of the startled maggies went mad when one of their brethren bit the dust,but they didn't move far enough away(for them).Dropped another with a shot to the neck which ended my fun cos the rest nicked off after that.Anyway,got back to the car 45mins after leaving it and listened to the Toon beat Liverpool,which sealed a good day considering.Been a good day for Mags,hehe.



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:< Beezer,i'd be surprised if the guts stay in the tree for 30mins as these magpies will testify.What do you suggest i do,put them in a bag and take them home?Do you know anyone who does that???Throw them on the ground for "some anti"(who would be trespassing)to trip over??

If i hadn't shot these two mags they would have had a very nice feast,as their brethren no doubt did after i left.Is there anything wrong with that?This is what i have always done and you are the first person who has complained.

Are you a scouser in disguise?Get a grip and stop finding fault!

Kdubya,i was offered a ticket for the match on friday night but i thought i was going to get a good days sport....gutted.

They were actually photo'd in my outhouse on lino,laminate flooring lookie-likey(cleaned up with antibacterial wipes afterwards).Still waited till the wife was out though :devil:

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Sniper your sentiments are right and magpies are the eviliest when it comes to predation on song birds and their eggs. BUT just a minor point... I dislike your Topic heading as it would have been better presented as Murderous or Theiving Magpies any "Anti" reading that heading would perhaps assume you meant something else.


Good shooting though.



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reckon il try that seems a good way to deek mags if a bit differant

Whilst picking the brains of the staff in the gun shop on Saturday the man said a really good way was to scoop up some road kill and leave it to bring the magpies in. (Taking it away with you afterwards :devil: )

He said it had the added bonus of you being able to put a target up next to it and zero your scope in perfectly before hand!

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Thanks lads,its a method i've used lots of times before and if there are any crows or mags in the vicinity it works every time,although not always as quick as it did this time.

Thanks for your comment Mike,i realised after posting that it wasn't the best title :*) .I thought if anyone was going to criticise,it would be the title that got picked up on.Unfortunately,while i could edit the post,i couldn't change the title.Your comment has been duly noted though,and labelled "for future reference".

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