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Got my FAC back today with the nice addition of 243 rifle and sound moderator :wacko: Need to start saving now hehe :blink:



While I am genuinely pleased for you, I cant help thinking that just maybe premature applications contribute to the excessive backlog and waiting times suffered in some counties by shooters who are ready and able to proceed, and in some cases need the firearms for work purposes.


Not having a go at you personally, perhaps the issuing firearms depts should ask the question and prioritize the applications.


I was really hacked off recently when my cert was away for the addition of a .17 and I was running out of .22 ammo during a really busy lamping period despite fully stocking up before sending the cert off. It had been 2 months, then I ranted down the phone about rabbits eating us out of house and home :unsure:


I got it back within the week.


Anyway said my bit and hope you get your .243 soon.


Rgds D2D

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No worries mate. I think some forces just like to make you wait :wacko: I dropped mine into the police on friday and got it back today. 6 days, not bad at all. Doubt I caused a major hold up :blink: I had to send it in anyways to tell them I sold my 22 :unsure:


Also my mate has found time of year has alot to do with it. When I applied for my SGC It was july not long before the shooting season, took about 7 weeks. I think at certain times of the year its just much busier :/ Might get busy soon with the long summer days coming, lots of rabbits and pigeons to shoot :D

Edited by Bigthug87
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