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how to get rid of charly

hill billy

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I am faced with a bit of a perdickament there is a fox taking chickens from my mates land now the land has a road run through the middle and has a few houses near by, so shotgun is out of the question because of noise so is a rifle because there is a foot path run through the bottom of the field so the last result is traps, we have been feeding this fox for the last few weeks so when we do come to trap it we know it will be there (it takes a pigeon every night from just over the fence) i just wanted to know if any body had any advise to give me because i have not done a huge amount of trapping but my first thought would be a baited hole with a snare ( i don't want to use a cage because i don't have the materials to build it at the mo and i won't have any use for it after ) i know that you should hide the scent of the snare and dig and bait the hole about a week before laying the snare if there is any more info on other traps you coyuld give me i would be very greatful


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the field he is coming in is just a medow for sheep to feed on so i would have thought it would be obvious were he is coming in but we can't see were and we looked for about an hour the only problem with that i think is the danger of a sheep putting it's head through the snare thats why i though of the baited hole cheers


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When I were a lad, my Dad used to knock the odd fox over at 10 yards with a 20bore (cos that was what he had) when it was after our chickens. We lived in a fairly built up area although had woods at the rear and no-one batted an eyelid. I think we can be too timid sometimes about our shooting and that the odd bang here & there often gets written down to a car backfiring or somesuch by neighbours. On the other hand what about trying to find someone with a Hushpower 12b ?

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Pike, good point.


Just to clarify the rule is 50 Feet, so only 17-18 yards and that is from the centre of the highway. No problem with footpaths as you say. If there are no walkers nearby, no problem.


Taken from the BASC website.


In particular, care should be taken when siting Guns near public highways. Section 161 of the Highways Act 1980 (England & Wales) makes it an offence to discharge a firearm within 50 ft of the centre of a highway having vehicular rights without lawful authority or excuse, if as a result a user of the highway is injured, interrupted or endangered.





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may be i worded the question wrong the foot path runs round the left side of the field and down the bottom behind a line of trees so it would be near impossible to judge if there is any one there so i would profer not to, and the only place to shoot from with a shotgun would be out the back garden which is less than 50 feet from the road so guns are out of the question

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