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Lurcher info wanted

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Always fancied one, but never needed a lurcher until recently, but Im starting to amass alot of rabbitting over sustancial ammounts of arable farmland, and I feel it time to perhaps aquire one.


I've been offered a young Saluki greyhound Bull cross, and what a magnificent looking creature he is.


I'm no expert on lurchers, and wondered if any of you lurchermen, could give me some advise on this particular cross.



I wonder if perhaps the 'Bull' in him will make him a little hard mouthed and maybe 'too' keen.


Any thoughts


Paul in North Lincs.

Edited by Paul in North Lincs.
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I am sure he is a stunning dog and without a doubt he will take rabbits but his real trengths are the fox, and deer and possibly the hare if he is racey enogh. If you want a dog specificly for the rabbits you want somthing a fair bit smaller whippet x collie or bedlington. The larger dogs dont turn with a rabbit as well as a smaller ones and will over shoot and often by the time they get back in to the case the rabbit has found cover.



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I've got a Whippet/Irish Wolf Hound cross and he was **** at rabbits but brilliant at deer. He's brought down a fair few hinds in his time.


You'de be better off with a smaller lurcher with whippet in him/her for the rabbits for a tighter turing circle and al that stuff I think.



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how old is he and how tall to the shoulder??

it will have staminer and determination and if its not too big i cant see why it wont make a good rabbit dog as long as it hasn't been spoiled. dont expect too much to soon out of this breed byed your time m8 and he'll be a top dog for you

i bred my own mother= whippet/greyhound x saluki greyhound father 1st cross bull greyhound

i kept a dog pup for myself, he made 23 inches to the shoulder he was a realy good dog on rabbit and fox he also would take the odd hare


the mother of the pups was the best dog i've owned she could run for ever she could catch 50+ rabbits a night, shes caught 5 out of 6 hares single handedly. she's caught hares from scotland down to the fens.............i got an invite down to the fens once off an underkeeper when he seen my bitch run he asked if he could run her the next day at his coursing club meet he was that impresed (she made his dog look like it was in reverse)

she could jump dykes, hedges, fences and gates & turn on a tanner

BUT she wouldnt take a fox she would go in if another dog bowled one over but just didn't like to get bit first.......... all this fom a bitch that only stood 21" to the shoulder THE POCKET ROCKET WITH ENDLESS STAMINER may she rest in piece :)

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Always fancied one, but never needed a lurcher until recently, but Im starting to amass alot of rabbitting over sustancial ammounts of arable farmland, and I feel it time to perhaps aquire one.


I've been offered a young Saluki greyhound Bull cross, and what a magnificent looking creature he is.


I'm no expert on lurchers, and wondered if any of you lurchermen, could give me some advise on this particular cross.



I wonder if perhaps the 'Bull' in him will make him a little hard mouthed and maybe 'too' keen.


Any thoughts


Paul in North Lincs.

Get some advice from someone near you. A cur is for life so be sure.


LB :)

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