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Which gun

bobby b

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Hello as you all will see i have the Steyr pro hunter mkll but i keep reading alot that the stocks are **** and that they touch the barrel when bi-pod and mod fitted, Well i decided to try mine the other night with the piece of paper under the barrel and yes it touches, But does this really make alot of differance to the accuracy of the rifle? I was thinking of trading it in for a Tikka T3 lite do you lot think this a good idea or is there a quick fix i can do to the steyr to stop it touching?


Cheers Rob <_<

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Hi Rob, I had the same problem with my steyr and fixed it by filling the stock with resin. I used the type used for fibre glass which you can get at any motorist discount type shops.






Its weighs ****** all and stiffens the front end nicely.




hope this helps



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I thought the reason that they brought out the mk2 was to improve the stock? I know Steve Bowers was doing a load of mk1's for the forestry commission, stiffening them up I mean. I have heard nothing but good reports of them since.


T3 lite stocks move about too, but not unduly. I was advised by Steve Bowers, when I was looking round before I bought my sako, to have a T3 with a laminate stock for that very reason. But I used a Tikka 595 all-weather that was quite flexible (Dave Cannon's) .308 for my shooting test on the DSC1, and came away with the best groups of anyone shooting that day.

If you are really worried about your rifles performance, go to the range and put some rounds downrange. That will soon tell you.



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Hi Rob, I had the same problem with my steyr and fixed it by filling the stock with resin. I used the type used for fibre glass which you can get at any motorist discount type shops.






Its weighs ****** all and stiffens the front end nicely.




hope this helps



hello mate is yours the mkl or mkll and have you removed the rubber bit in the stock what the barrel sits on? Cheers Rob.

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Mine is the Mk2, it was never inaccurate but the floppy fore end just felt a bit **** for such a nice gun so I stiffened it up.


It doesn't add any weight and makes it more firm on the bipod, I left the rubber bit in there and it can still flex enough to touch the barrel but is clear under the guns own weight when shooting.


As steyrman says, is the gun accurate? if so then why would you risk buying something else?



As for the T3, its what I was after until I shot the steyr. Whilst I would like a laminate stocked gun the triggers are worlds apart and my steyr now retails for £325 more than I paid sportsman's just three years ago which means If I do ever sell it I won't loose much if any.




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