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Beretta Silver Pigeon III V difference


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Is there technically/mechanically any diference between the Beretta Silver Pigeon guns?

Eg. is the action on a Silver Pigeon the same as that on a Silver Pigeon III or V?

Other than the visual appearance of the engraving/colouring/woodwork etc?

Edited by dannyy
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I am no expert but I think not, other than the barrels are different on the game spec versus the sporter - I have a grade III in both and the sporter has vented barrels at the breach end and is multichoke.


If you are thinking about buying then they all have an annoying habit of not opening fully without being held open which makes the 2nd barrel (lower) difficult to stuff in a hurry - the extra weight f longer 30 or 32" with multichokes helping with this.


I have now been shooting 3years with them and have no complaints - totally reliable and a joy on the shoulder.



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I have to agree with that. They are lovely guns.


I have aa SP V Sporting and the only complaint I have with it is that it's a little short in the stock and low on the comb for me. It's not a problem (getting bits taped to it until I can get it changed properly) and it still hits things.


It's also lovely to look at with the case hardened action...

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To answer your question, there is no technical or mechanical difference between.



Only differences are quality of finish (engraving and inlays) on the action, and quality of wood.


Optima Bore on Pig 3 and above?


Nope, all models mobilchoke. Except the 687EL and above. These have decorative side plates and Optima chokes but are in the Competition range and not field guns.

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Purchase carefully then because there are some out there, my friend has a pig 3 gane gub with optimabore. Beretta do still seem to push out some oddities and uniques avery now and again, some good, some mistakes but i do find the optima bore does soften recoil a bit. but it is only a bit. Im no pussy but 250 cartridges tire me out just a little less in my current gun than in my previous one with the standard bore. I dont think it makes much real difference to patterns though, All berettas are good guns, shoot well and handle beautifully.


Anyway, i may be wrong but keep your eyes peeled and look carefully at those proof marks. they dont lie.






Beretta can be challenging with their product line up.....


Optima bores are backbored to soften recoil and have longer chokes, but in the couple that I had, they make it a pig to clean...... :unsure:

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