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How not to impress the farmer....

Elma Fud

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Whilst putting the final touches to our new industrial sized, all singing and dancing mutli-catch corvid trap. (Letter box / Ladder trap)


Andy, the assistant manager came up to me and said "check your dog out". I looked round only to find that he was locked in eternal love with the farm managers dog. :huh: :*)


I left the two new lovers to get on with their business before putting the brute back in the car.


Luckily for me the boss didn't seem too bothered about it.



Does anyone want any black Lab pups in a few months. :lol:



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I think we've all had the odd embarrasing moment like that!!! :*)


I recently mentioned that whist rabbiting on new permission about a month ago, my cousins lurcher (who had never even seen a deer before!) set a large row buck up, and procceded to course it for about 60 acres of fields...one of which was being sprayed by the farmer!!!!!!! :huh::lol: Generally a well behaved dog, she ignored all attempts to call her back :lol:???


Nothing was said.....but needless to say we havent ventured out that way since! :*)





Paul in North Lincs

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