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The Duck Killer is no more


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Farmer had lost a nesting duck on his pond having had a quite period when he lost his old farm yard snow goose to Charlie a while back. Whilst I had been keeping an eye on the situation when doing the bunnies it was to spasmodic to show any pattern of activity and siting of charlie where rare on the small 60 Acre farm i got back end of last year.


Farmers wife had lost most of her hens prior to me taking over the permission and was keen to keep the few she still has as there is little else about apart from Pig nuts etc and as always Rabbits. So they make an easy target. He gave me a call to say a nesting mallard had disappeared and the hens could be next, could I take a look. Two spinney’s nearby would give good cover and looked like a ideal area so I did some bunnies then sat out on some straw bales with the .223 and a cuppa to see what would happen,,,, 9pm set of eyes making for the general area a quick squeak she looked round but as soon as she saw the scope mounted lightforce 170 she started to slowly move away, light off quick squeak on again she had moved a short way and laid down low,,, which is the last thing she did prior the 60 grain VMax doing its job at 175 yards. Her teats were dry she either has no litter or they are weaned but I will be back tonight to check, i dont like the thought of cubs left but when farmer calls you have to do the job, and as he has said i can have the Game shooting in season i wanted to help :rolleyes:


Edited by pavman
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Hang on, that's not a photo taken by Pavman?


Where is the box steel? Where is the whacky races construction of a static barn based foxing rig (instead of a bi pod or set of sticks?).





look closer at your old S&B :rolleyes:


PS what if i come up with a cracker like James Dyson and need a solicitor :lol:

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