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Cider Brewing?

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depends what kind of brew you want! wild yeast is unpredictable, can give off flavours and poor alcohol levels. personally id recomend a champagne yeast for a delicate fizz or a cider yeast for a flat one. id just wash the bottles in steriliser solution! hope this helps


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Where does one buy cider yeast? You have to remember I am in Canada where there is only one brewer of cider "Growers" and they are located on the west coast. I also find their cider so full of perservatives that it has a metal taste to it.


What i really want to make is a scrumpy and a nice smooth cider.



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Just check your phone book or do a google search for homebrew stores in your area. Most homebrew stores focus on beer but the same gear is used to make cider and they'll have a whole selection of yeasts. I recommend buying a yeast, you'll get better results and more predictable and repeatable. You can also get bottle, sanitizer solution and such there as well. People who work in those store as usually pretty knowledgeable so if you tell them what you want to do they can get you set up.


My first cider attempt wasn't bad, I'm going to be starting more in the next couple of week I hope.


I'd be interested to hear how your scrumpy turns out, I might try making some myself.


Enjoy the cider!



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Once the cider has started to slow it`s initial fermentation and reaches 1005 to 1000 SG bottle it and add 1x teaspoon of sugar per imperial pint(20fluid oz), this will restart the ferment and give a nice fizz, but will leave a sediment in the bottle, so you will have to pour it in a single go into a suitable recepticle :D


Enjoy !

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