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popular bird table!

Lefty gunz

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I got up this morning and when i looked out of the window i was greeted with an amazing sight, it was like a bleedin zoo!! 2 x pheasant, 1 x squirrell, 1 x magpi and 3 peacocks :( Crappy mobile pic unfortunatly.


I thought id show a picture of my biggest pollack to date, we didnt have scales but we were pretty sure it was double figures. My friend and i had half a dozen around this size and it was a great days fishing. At one point we had fish on 3 rods between 2 of us and at the same time my multiplyer packed up :) it was a like a scene from the 3 stooges or something but we had a good laugh. Cant wait to get out there again.



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the peackock belong to the local manor about half a mile away, theyre a bloody nuicense as they eat and rip up everything in the garden and make a hell of a racket all night and in the early hours. Shortly after that photo was taken the walking stick came out and they were encouraged to leave. They wander about in the road and occasionally connect with the trucks that run to and fro from the quarry, but i wont be losing any sleep about that!

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Yea, was thinking of getting a couple myself but if there as bad as you say.......

Already thinking of getting rid of one of my roosters, before 5 the past 2 mornings hes crowing. The same one everyday, only matter of time before neighbours get upset

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We were between Newlyn and Lands end. We employed a method to avoid the smaller fish but my friend swore me to secrecy before we went. Its happened before when hes had a good run of fish using a certiain method and someone spots him and within 2 days you got 20 boats doing the same and wipe out the fish in that area in a week or two, it happened last year on the bass.

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