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basc for jobseekers


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i hope your not implying anything about my character or the willingness on my part to work because if you are we have another person judging when you no naff all about a person....


and fifty pounds a week is hardly lucrative!

I think Dazza is probably talking abot the professional walking stick users we have over here, most of them seem to be parital to a few rounds of golf when the course is quiet because everyone else is at work!!!!!

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right, lets look at it this way.... how many of us on here are really feeling the pinch right now.... how many of us who's basc membership renewal is up will be re-subscribing or forgoing due to the current down turn?

i can just about raise the cash this time, because i fell i should have insurance... now, i could go else where simply to be insured, but then i myself and every other member would loose out on that loss in fee's helping towards our fight and defense corner basc fight for us... ok, they wont miss me, but i bet im not alone....and that could do damage...perhaps....


right now, even having enough cash for extra fuel in the car for shooting trips is a toughy never mind paying for ammo etc... clays are well out of the equaision etc etc etc...

like i said, i aint whingin, poor me etc... things aint that bad , but my extra cash for hobbys etc has been seriously knocked...

if they wanna help folk, then they should do it.

they're doing it for the recently unemployed, great, im not begrudging them that....

maybe they could do a reduced rate if you didnt want there magazine etc, afetr all there is little in it to interest me.... i dont do driven etc, the adds are always the same, ok there are probably an awful lot of folk who do buy huge dog kennels, drinks cabinets for the back of their land rovers and ex military off road busses to their guns on driven days....but not me sir... ...........


anyway, ive made me point...im off.

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Personally i can't see why people need to come on here and knock BASC, if you find it unnecessarry and are not a memeber just sit back and watch our sport be taken away without a body to represent us! If the fee's are unacceptable to you then don't pay them but please don't post on an internet forum which is open to anyone stating your bile! It does no one any good and is counter productive to everyone!!

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