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Bipod hide and lamp!


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Hi all


Am looking at buy all of the above but have not got a clue where to start looking, i have an AA s510 and just started lamping with my mate on his permission


We have been think of setting a hide but i was woundering ifyou can buy them he says you can but i havent come across any as yet


What lamp would you guys recomend, i've been reading up and would like one with a dimmer and light to attatch to the gun but apparently the deden ones have poor conections?:good:


Last but not least the bipod, i have no idea at all on what bipod is the better one i actually no nothin about bipods at all, obviously lighter the better really


Hope someone can help





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Nice one cheers guys, yeah got some good camo but jus wanted a hide for when i lay up an wait for em to pop out in the evenings then get the lamp out an go for a walk, mite just get some camo netteing


Do them lamps have a dimmer on then? And what kinda powwer lamp should i be looking at?


I did read an artical in a mag an this guy mentioned his lamp had 2 small batterys that was on a belt an that batterys sat where you kidneys are, now that sounds pretty comfortable compaered to my mates big *** battery that drags you to one side


If anyone knows what lamp that i wouldnt mind a look at one of them


Rite harris bipods just googled it and put it fleabay an theres a few dif harris bipods, do i want one that tilits an spins round? What lengh do i get?

Do i need to buy any attatchments or does the bipod come with all fitting kit?


And to be a pain in the *** does any one know who does at a good price on the lamps and bipods?


Any advice, names, makes or links would very much appreciated


Cheers again lads

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I use a lightforce blitz 240 made by deben, its insanely powerful i'm led to believe it's the most powerful hunting one. Its a bit of overkill in my opinion but I always have to have the biggest and best :yes: . I think the striker would be more than adequate for air rifle, it comes in both variable and non variable variations the variable is quite alot more, when you could do a diy job for alot less. Also with regards to batteries, i wouldn't recommend paying the £80 odd pounds for the deben round the waist battery, when you can buy a small sealed lead acid one for about £20 maybe less which is alot more powerful and then just stick it in a rucksack or something, hope this helps :good:

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