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Help me Identify the dead animal...


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Okay well heres what happened, i was out on my most daily walk around the farm and came across this dead animal. I am feeling that it is a young roe deer what are your thoughts? then on to how it died....I was thinking a very young deer of natural causes or a fox or a case of mistaken identity for a fox by some idiot who i am sure has done it before when i came across a dead roe when i was about 10 and it scared the **** out of me :look: let me know what you think....









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Roe - (depends on size).



It could of died any number of ways, - Roe fawns that are very young have the awful habbit of not moving even if the sky was falling in. I have seen a hedge-slasher attachment on a tractor run one over by mistake in the past.

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Moor Man: No we only have roe round us, it looks like its all there and for scale it was very small. the chest cavity was maybe 18 inches top in length i would say. It was sheltered under a tree so i felt it could have either been weak and die or shot and dumped, i am sure a roe has been shot on our farm before by the guy who comes foxing although i have no proof but it was a roe in its summer coats and and i assume that is how it died because of where it was anyway it spooked me and i was not up for performing a post mortem on it when i was only 10 haha anyway anyones input will be appreciated.



Edited by groach1234
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Why a young deer (Roe fawn)? You say 18 inch chest which isn't far off an adult Roe size especially when all you've got is skin & bone.


Have you had a good rummage around the carcase to see if there's any bullet damage? What about it's teeth, wear/tear? Any broken legs etc? All might give you a clue to it's demise.

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It could easily have been smaller than that, i would say it was almost defiantly a fawn is a deer as it was very small compared to the roe I seen out and about on my walks it was as i say very small, i may go back later today to get some actual sort of scale.



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