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Can pigeons see red?


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Every so often we get some journalist or other coming up with 'the latest' scoop on decoying pigeons and other bright ideas about camo. The last one was day glo pink I believe put forward as the ultimate in camo when deer stalking. As yet I've never seen any serious hunter dressed in anything other than drab colours that blend in (maybe that's why I've not seen them :P ) and as the article hints, movement is the main criteria.

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We know camo helps why would we want to wear red when hunting lol.


Red or orange flashes on hats and jackets are mandatory in some countries when hunting, for safety purposes.


There was an "experiment" carried out some years ago for one of the shooting magazines, where a shooter had a hide made up of the orange mesh sheet you see at road works and construction sites.

Allegedly it made no difference to the pigeons at all.

I am sure this was correct, but most of my decoying practises are not only to attract pigeons, but to give me confidence.

I would not be confident set up behind an orange net hide.

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I don't know for sure what a pigeon sees. I do know they've got very acute eyesight and react to movement more than anything.

They could easily be colour blind and see reds and oranges as shades of brown which would possibly explain their apparent non-reactions to these colours.

Someone, somewhere will have studied it so why not google/ask jeeves the same question. It will be out there :D








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