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was at clay ground today and had 7 cartrages jammed in the bottom barrel , kept having to use a rod to get them out , This as only ever happened with these new carts the clay ground have bought but just wanna clean the ejectors , is it easy to do or does it have to go in the gun shop ? cheers

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Its a very easy matter to take out the ejectors and to clean them . Depending on whwt make of gun it is .Some guns have the ejector springs in the fore end of the gun and some have the springs located in the barrel lumps . You need to undo the screws that hold the ejectors in and allow the springs to unwind on the type that are located in the barrel lumps . Those with the springs in the fore end are easrier to remove as you do not have to release the springs unless you want to ,just unscrew the the screws and take the ejectors out . When releasing the springs on the type in the barrel lumps watch out the springs dont ping across the room . Release theem inside a clear plastic bag then they wont ping away .

Harnser .

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gun is a baikal o/u , i was thinking it was the cartrages as its not done it with the ones i usually use the ones today seemed to have a small brass bit at the bottom what could make it jam if it was expanding i will have a look to see if i can get the springs out if not trip to the shop i think just to check it , will have a look now to see if i can find the screws

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Trying to remember how to remove baikal ejectors ? . If i can remember you have to take the barrels off and push the ejector down against the spring pressure and the lift at the bottem . I sure somebody will come along and confirm how to take them out .

Harnser .

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cheers for the reply harnser , i had a look at the manual but does not say how to remove them from what i can see , they seem to move freely and the top and bottom are the same so i dont see what the problem is , i will just try diff carts next time and see if the problem comes again . cheers

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I think it carries on to page 24 where it refers to fig A.3 that looks like it is refering to the ejectors themselves. That said my gun is a non ejector and reading the info without the actual gun in my hands i can't say that i fully understand it. :blush:

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Trying to remember how to remove baikal ejectors ? . If i can remember you have to take the barrels off and push the ejector down against the spring pressure and the lift at the bottem . I sure somebody will come along and confirm how to take them out .

Harnser .




that is the way two take them out.as a bove

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