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hi all i am about to apply for my fac because i have land to shoot foxes i would like to get a 223 but i do not no any body who could be a mentor/supervisor for me would i be better applying for a 17 hmr instead




hero :good:

Edited by hero
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hi all i am about to apply for my fac because i have land to shoot foxes i would like to get a 223 but i do not no any body who could be a mentor/supervisor for me would i be better applying for a 17 hmr instead




hero :good:


where abouts in leeds are you.your age is ? please.

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You wont get 17HMR for fox, it is just not powerfull enough at distance,


Go for your 223, in your FEO interview lay it on thick about safety, footpaths, safe backstops, roads etc, if you get any **** get straight onto BASC firearms assumimg you are a member. As far as I am aware there is no requirement in law for a mentor. None the less is would be a good idea to get someone to show you the ropes if you can.


If no one comes forward here try the other UK boards.



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You wont get 17HMR for fox, it is just not powerfull enough at distance,


Go for your 223, in your FEO interview lay it on thick about safety, footpaths, safe backstops, roads etc, if you get any **** get straight onto BASC firearms assumimg you are a member. As far as I am aware there is no requirement in law for a mentor. None the less is would be a good idea to get someone to show you the ropes if you can.


If no one comes forward here try the other UK boards.



dont think he needs help>>


i am new to deerstalking and was wondering if you guys could reccomend me a rifle it will be used for mostly woodland stalking i have a budget of about



thanks guys



something not right here. :good:

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It all about demonstrating you are a safe person to give it to and also demonstrating need - if its for fox you deffinately dont need 17hmr (some forces consider .22 to also bee too low a calibre although some will allow with responsible shooters for short range work) its going to be a case of 223 or bust for you.


if you are wanting to be a little forward thinking and have deer on your land aswel you could even apply for a 243 for fox that way it could be used for deer aswell and if you ever hear the words "overkill" mentioned the BASC''s advise is very prudent in this case


"The “right” calibre is very much a matter of individual choice. One calibre is no “safer” or “more dangerous” than another. Suitability for a particular purpose is largely a matter of opinion. As long as an applicant’s choice meets any minimum requirements there are no public safety implications in the use of a larger calibre. IT IS THE CALIBRE OF THE MAN WHICH IS IMPORTANT - NOT THE CALIBRE OF THE RIFLE."


So in short as long as the calibre is gun enough for the task (within reason) it shouldnt really ever be too much gun at the end of the day a 22lr can still kill you from a mile or more away if its negligently fired as has happend in the past so wether it is 22 or 308 shouldnt make a difference as long a theres a suitable backstop and a demostrable need (please bear in mind tho saying you "NEED" a 308 for shooting fox will quite rightly been seen as rediculous however 223 should deffinately not be)

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dont think he needs help>>


i am new to deerstalking and was wondering if you guys could reccomend me a rifle it will be used for mostly woodland stalking i have a budget of about



thanks guys



something not right here. :hmm:




After reading his other posts seems like a pure time waster to me :yes: B) :lol::angry:

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