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lose choke

jen shooter

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HI chaps i have a lincoln number2 the lower barrel has split the choke twice ,it went back to the gun shop who sent it back to the importers of these guns.

they have declined to repair it sugesting the choke had been over tightend so now the choke is slack.

The shop ibought the gun from sugest shortening the barrels from 28 to 27 and re threading the barrels any ideas please? cheers jen shooter l

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If the gun is under warrenty insist that it is exchanged ,sounds as if gas is getting behind the choke to cause the damage ,because of badly threaded choke or barrel . The gun is unsafe and out of proof and is unfit for what it is designed for . Contact trading standards for advice .

Harnser .

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You do legally have rights , for anything up to six years,if you have not abused it.

sounds odd but it was on tv a few weeks ago.

Check with trading standards.


When the gun was sold to you :it had to be fit for the purpose it was sold for.




mr salt :rolleyes:

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