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Just bought a squirel trap

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What is the best bait to use for them?


The guy from the store I bought it from said smoked makrel or other fish is this right?


Also do I need to fasten it to the trap using thin wire so it is difficult for the squirel to remove?





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My old chap has a live catch trap he puts by his bird table and just uses bird nuts in it. He must be close to 30 squirrels now, he had another 2 on Saturday.


Don't worry about transferring them to a sack to dispatch them, just shoot them in the trap with your air rifle, (tip it on its end so they have less room to run up and down) much less chance of getting bitten!!




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  • 3 weeks later...
What is the best bait to use for them?


The guy from the store I bought it from said smoked makrel or other fish is this right?


Also do I need to fasten it to the trap using thin wire so it is difficult for the squirel to remove?






I find maize or sweetcorn works very well, just use your knife to slice off some of the corn around the trap and put half the cob up the back behind the treadle plate, all bait sould be back there and no need to wire anything.


I havnt tried peanut butter, it sounds ok being highly scented but you would need to bait the area around the trap with bits of bread and peanut butter.


Site the trap if you can at the base of a tree they like to come down the trees it gives them a sense of security if they can come down the trunk swipe the food and run back up, eventually they will have to explore the trap and the remaing food within.


Good luck D2D.

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