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BBC1 This Evening


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Dave, Julia Bradbury, like all Countryfile's presenters, is a Labour-voting, oxygen-thieving towny. She needs to be humanely despatched, not porked. Whilst I am amazed that the BASC chap and the muntjac stalker were allowed air-time, it was hardly a balanced depiction of the need to control alien species. The repulsive and peculiarly intense hippy from Animal Aid ("we just need to be more tolerant") needed pushing off that bridge.


I could spend hours ranting about the BBC's agenda. If any of you know anyone who has featured on Countryfile, you'll be aware quite how biased and selective the programme's researchers and editors are. Guy Smith, an Essex farmer (and a very sound fellow) filmed recently for a Countryfile piece on farmland bird conservation, has been quite public about his disgust at the way his opinions were treated.

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