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Smoke em with a .410!


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Went out today with Pete, set up on a pea field using 12 bores & 3 hours later only had 10 but we noticed that they were feeding on the other side of the field, the only thing was that there horses in the next field. We both have .410 Hushpowers so we would have to use them so as not to spook the horses, after quickly setting up only using the shell decoys (no magnet) they were coming into the pattern a treat! The fact was that only being single shot we couldn't reload fast enough. We packed up when we ran out of carts. End bag 61, with a .410! There is certainly a place for this little cartridge, so if you havent tried it yet then my advise is to give it a go!! :)

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well done,


how good are the triggers on your hushpowers, i was using a 20g hushpower built on a baikal action and the trigger was about 25 pounds,


it was completely unuseable, although once you were used to it it was great fun poaching all the missed clays with it. :)

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I'm still after a .410 double barreled cos I reckon there are times when pigeons will decoy well within range and the reduced noise could mean more pigeon movement. Could be particularly useful when it's not very windy and/or they are coming from woods fairly close to where you are shooting.


Also a great little tool for snap shooting bolting bunnies when out ferreting difficult burys. Lots of rabbits about round here so far, let's hope the dreaded mixy doesn't grab them before they can be harvested !!!

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wacker you have my attention.

Forgive my ignorance but is a hushpower a type of 410, something you put on a 410, or as i suspect, something you put in a 410? :) or is it something you wear on your feet to creep up on them <_<:devil::huh:



Jim the geordie

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I'm still after a .410 double barreled cos I reckon there are times when pigeons will decoy well within range and the reduced noise could mean more pigeon movement


old rooster, I think Hushpower is only available in single barreled guns and if you are considering a non silenced .410 , I think the "crack" they make is as loud as a 12 bore using standard loads.

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I'm still after a .410 double barreled cos I reckon there are times when pigeons will decoy well within range and the reduced noise could mean more pigeon movement


old rooster, I think Hushpower is only available in single barreled guns and if you are considering a non silenced .410 , I think the "crack" they make is as loud as a 12 bore using standard loads.

not true mate i was out with my 4"10 this afternoon and its just like the crack from an air rifle except a bit louder.

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Jordan, I have owned a few .410's (even a 3 shot auto) and always used Eley Fourlong No4 shot.

I don't think they are that much quieter than a 12 bore in an open field.

Certainly not as quite as a Hushpower.


Just my opinion.................as it says below. :)

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Nice pics, nice setup, nice bag son.

Looks like your whole combination worked a treat. I'll definately have to investigate this little 410 business further. I hope they are not too expensive. I expect as everything is smaller and quieter the price will reflect this downsizing :)<_<:devil:



Jim the geordie

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The gun i have in the picture is based on an italian Pedretti and the guys at the saddelry & gunroom have given it the hushpower treatment, my mate Pete has one as well. You can pick one up for £315 new but i have seen them go for around the£200 mark second hand. Carts cost about £4-6 depending weather you use magnums or not. :)

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well done,


how good are the triggers on your hushpowers, i was using a 20g hushpower built on a baikal action and the trigger was about 25 pounds,


it was completely unuseable, although once you were used to it it was great fun poaching all the missed clays with it. :)

The gun i have in the pic is based on a pedretti & like yours the trigger is a bit on the heavey side, you get used to it though.

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I'm still after a .410 double barreled cos I reckon there are times when pigeons will decoy well within range and the reduced noise could mean more pigeon movement




old rooster, I think Hushpower is only available in single barreled guns and if you are considering a non silenced .410 , I think the "crack" they make is as loud as a 12 bore using standard loads.





I believe Investarm do a double barrelled model, check out p28 of June's Sporting Shooter.



Edited by M ROBSON
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I'm not sure but i think the guys at the saddelry & gunroom will do the connversion on any gun, but it is permanant so you wont be able to switch. They do sell a .410 3 shot pump action which has a moderator fitted. Give em a call. :)

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with a 39" barrel i think, i live nearby the biggin hill gun room, so im in there once or twice a month, and the hush power pumps look like the most barrel heavy things in the world, they stand above the rifles by about 7", would love to have a go with one, but would seriously wonder about how effective one would be on anything besides stationary game.


however they are sold with the original barrel, so at least you would have one working barrel :)

Edited by ernyha
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nice to see likeminded individuals using hushpower 4.10s & 12 gauge these really are usefull guns. Do not let the thickness of the sleeve put you off if you are in the market for buying one, they are pointable.

I have used a fully moderated for 12 years and they are a cracking quiet vermin gun, they moderate to around 85% with a 2" cartridge. Quiet enough for use anywhere. (within reason and safe judgement). The 4.10 is full choke and sleeved for 2s, 2 1/2 & 3" magnums. The moderation is made possible by a series of about 8, 4-5mm holes drilled in the barrell and the sleeve fits fully over the barrell.

On discharge a percentage of hot expedited gases are ported off through the holes and cool slightly thus dimminishing the muzzle blast. The sleeve also absorbs the ported blast and this gives fully moderated guns thier signiture twang, the expasion inside the outer barrell and sleeve.

Having had so much excellent sport & usage out of the fourten I purchased a fully moderated 12 gauge which I soley use now for virtually all my fieldsporting applications and the 4.10 is hardly used at all. The twelve I am in no doubt that it is quieter than my fully moderated 4.10 and this is because of 2 things.

Firstly not only does the 12 have a series of larger ported holes it also has a set of 8 baffles in the last 3/4 of the length of sleeving. As the hot gases are ported and cooled they hit each baffle the muzzle blast is diminished hugely.

Secondly I put subsonics through it which definately makes a difference though it is still very quiet with a standard cartridge. I mostly use the gun for foxes putting a 2,3/4" 42 gram size 3 lyalvale load through it and is most effective. ( hushpower 12s are only chambered to 2,3/4") As said earlier if you are looking for a quiet vemin gun to use they are a great bit of kit.

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