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Well after searchin around for a few months i finally bought my .17hmr CZ Vamint. Got a free sirocco mod, scope and gun bag all for £400 which i thought after quotes from my local gun dealers was quite reasonable.


After firing it for the first time i was taken aback by the noise. I knew it wasnt gonna be silent but wasnt expecting this loud. Do i need a bigger moderator i kno that one i have was free so i wasnt expecting it to be amazing? or is it the rounds im using, winchester 17gr and 20gr?


Just wandered what your guys thoughts were?

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And thirded. It's par for the course. Natural barriers like hedges, dense woodland or the sides of vehicles/building will reflect sound, and you'll perceive it as louder. Don't worry though - the rabbits probably won't be so fussy.


The Scirocco mod will cope, and you'll only get a significant improvement in sound attenuation if you spank >£100 on a new LEI/DM80/Whisper mod.

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I agree with all of the above.


When I first got mine I wasn't expecting it to be as loud. However I shoot with a mate and if you stand any distance away when he is shooting the noise isn't really noticable.

Granted it isn't as quiet as a .22LR but then it never will be.


What spooks the rabbits more is the thud as a 22 bullet strikes whereas a .17 doesn't seem to make that noise.





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Going back to impact noise, I was very surprised on my last trip out to compare the sound of impact on the .22. Ok, it was close range (rabbit was running away and I couldn't let it go), but I think the main part of the surprise was the difference between the sound of the hot (quiet) compared to the sound of the impact (loud).


Also, I never really hear the impact on the .17. The crack of the shot tends to drown it a bit from a shooter's point of view.

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Guest topshot_2k

i use the cheap SAK and shoot lots of rabbits, noise doesnt bother them as i have reloaded and had multiple kills without them being spooked. I only use the moderator to save my ears and minimise noise near livestock etc

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