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The pheasants are coming !!!


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I havent been on for a while or been out shooting for a bit but the birds are coming friday so i thought i had better have a look about and see what mischeif makers were about.I actually got 3 but one was not very photogenic(and i have noticed a few winge'rs on here complaining about real life images..)

Anyway back to the plot..The first one was taken in the next field to our main pen and the sheep told me he was there(snitches)they were all looking at him as he walked towards them.This one was 178 yards out and dropped where he stood.


The second was in the next field to the first and seemed to have been eating explosives for tea....if you know what i mean.


The 3rd was the other side of the pen but 2 fields away.A few squeeks later and he was a lot closer but for some reason stopped and refused to come closer(scented us or something else spooked him)Then he started to walk away and as i didnt want to loose him i gave him a whistle quickl followed by a bullet.He ran about 20 yards and dropped.It was 253 yards to where he dropped,so about 230.




I would guess they were all related as they were all about the same size half grown cubs and i did lamp the vixen but she has obviously seen it all before and did a vanishing act.(next time)

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The rifle is a winchester 70 coyote in 22-250 and the pointy bit going really fast was a winchester 50g ballistic silver tip.I have just started using the silver tips and they seem ok and they are £5 a box cheaper than the remmy's so that is a bonus too.

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