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pros and cons of FAC or non fac air rifles


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oki recently have been seeing a lot of FAC rifle questions and querrys out there, I have been shooting air rifles now for almost 5 years, and im far from perfect. I have never been attracted by power levels nor fancy range finding scopes.


most of my shooting is done at a club using a pro sport in .177 (though have got a tx200 i use in .22 as well) I have taken to the fields quiet a few times and can honestly say my bag cant tell the differnce in what power im using as its mostly field craft that fill it.


so with that in mind thought would try and find outwhat the PROS and CONS are for the higher power levels agianst the sub 12/F/lbs rifles.


you never know i might just be swayed to "the club" :devil:


ROB :devil:

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Im sure this is a trick question, trip....ah well. :devil:


In the field an FAC will give longer flatter trajectories and therefore greater distances of accuracy. The forfeit is the number of shots per charge and the fact that you need the rifle on 'Ticket' and suitable land, blah blah blah.


My sub 12ft/lb provides me with a wider variety of shoots and much less hassle. Plus I enjoy having to excercise a higher level of field craft. :devil:





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My sub 12ft/lb provides me with a wider variety of shoots and much less hassle. Plus I enjoy having to excercise a higher level of field craft.

That part about field craft is certainly true. I'm a newcomer to air rifle hunting, though I have had long experience of shooting .22 rimfire. I have to work a lot harder now to get close enough to do the job, but when I do, they go down just as surely. Also, I'll have no problem about shooting on new land - I can say bye bye to trips to police Headquarters to ask if they'll check out this farm or the other.

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I shoot a Browning T-bolt rifle in .22LR and have done for a long time its got a 14inch barrel, moderator and a aimpoint sight. The rifle gets used for close work 20yds max, mostly at 10yds, with a good gillie suit its not hard. For longer range work its my custom Anschutz in .22mag, a converted target rifle.

I also have a Stealth rifle in .22, 12ft/lbs which I'm getting rid of to get a Airarms S200 but I don't know I just not happy shooting something with it, with the rimfire I know when the rabbits is hit its dead, may be its a confidence thing.


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but I don't know I just not happy shooting something with it, with the rimfire I know when the rabbits is hit its dead, may be its a confidence thing.

If you are confident of your ability to place the shot then don't worry about them not going down.

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