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Ruger 77/17


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I was also eyeing one up. I saw a nearly new for £415 and felt that it might be good. From my understanding they have one of the best magazines available for 17hmr, also with the highest capacity without protuding too much. However the trigger after looking at some forum posts seems to be a tad heavy and a trigger kit seems to be quite pricey for it.

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A shooting mate of mine has the CZ in 17 and I don't think it has nearly the same quality of feel as my Ruger, the bolt just doesn't feel as smooth or natural to me, also i'm a big fan of the safety on the Ruger.


On the other hand his CZ feels a lot lighter, but then I have a heavy SS barrel...

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I have tried cz models in both .22 and .17, and for the reasons that Glensman points out, I wont consider one, having said that I appreciate the value for money they represent and cant knock them for ehat they are.


So the original Ruger trigger cannot be lightened without proper fettling then?



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Aye lads, there's no doubt that the CZ represents value for money, but I would rather a S/H Ruger, also, when you need stuff for the Ruger it'll be easier to get, especially if like me you have a sister in america!


This is what you need to lighten the trigger, myself and Dad fitted it in about 5 mins...




And I meant to say, another plus for the Ruger is you can change the barrels yourself, in case you feel like an upgrade at any stage...

Edited by Glensman
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Does anyone have experience good or bad with the M77/17 in comparison with Anshutz or Savage thumbholes




Be prepared to do a bit of work to get them to shoot accuratly,I have the 77/17 laminated stock rifle basics trigger and fully floated the barrel. good build, good ammo feed from the mag as long as you keep the dirt and dust down in them. 17s are very tempremental as regards to cleaning, if i give mine a good scrub it takes about 50 shots to get it back on zero.


Nice calibre though good fun, but dont be taken in by the 200yard shots stick to 100-150 /150 being about the max for consistant kills

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Got the 77/17 in grey laminate - the huge 23" heavy barrel version. Can't beat the build quality - it really is exceptional. Accuracy is also very,very impressive. Never seen any difference when I clean it personally. Shoots well, great balance and the magazines are spot on. I'd like it shorter for use in the vehicle, but that's my only gripe.

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  • 1 month later...
Could you qualify your reasons why a CZ is better please?



sorry for the late reply, i have owned both and loved them both but in my opinion the CZ is better because the barrels are of higher quality steel and better precise results can be obtained from them CZ barrels are simply better. and i feel the trigger is easier to improve, but i know the fit and finish of the ruger is nicer

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