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Pike Fishing Question


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We had a good day today on the Huntspill, arrived at 10.30ish after having to clamber over a fence then across a railway line...funny how you develop a fear for trains when you have to dash across a track then over another small fence when you have a load of gear and you aren't as fit as you once were :/ We set the rods up for lures and away we went. I had about a dozen casts while Spaniel was setting up and believe it or not he had a Pike on his very first cast :lol: , we used the landing net, against advice, got the hooks well stuck in the mesh :look: , (sorry PB, should've listened), but the fish was released unharmed and healthy. We plugged and spun away for a while longer, I had a small jack then Spaniel had a nice Perch....'twas luck i'm sure :P . We moved to a lower section of the river and S' had another Pike for gods sake! I kept at it but couldn't get another take, I tried spinners, spoons, deep/shallow divers and deadbaits but it wasn't to be my day, to cap it off his nibs caught a rather large and angry eel on a roach deadbait so it was obviously the Sapniels day. The weather held apart from a few light showers so turned out to be a very enjoyable day, the fish were small but it didn't really matter as we'd achieved what we set out to do and i'm sure we'll do it again sometime soon. I took a pic' of the largest Jack and will download it when my daughter manages to find the lead for the camera.....'won't I Aimee'!


Cheers Spaniel for a good day, plenty of conversation and a laugh :yes:

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Yes mate, i had an excellent day out with you, cant wait to do it again.


Did you mention my 1st cast, resulted in the the 1st Pike of the day :look: :yes::lol::P:/:lol::lol:


Really enjoyed the day, loved the lure fishing, perhaps next time our luck may help us land a larger pike

but it was a fun day and like you said the weather held for us nicely down there.


But that eel was not very happy was it......god i hate those things so much, i didnt even give it a thought to be honest that one would take the dead bait.....


Thanks for a great day out




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sounds like a good days piking was had.. ;)


ps..a way to minmise the landing net problems is to crimp the barbs back on the hooks - makes it a lot easier untangling them.


I expect we'll go again, we ended up landing all but the first pike without a net so I doubt we'll bother using one again, advice taken though :no:

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Crushing the barbs is something I tried for a while, but when I got into fishing larger lures such as jerkbaits I really regretted it. Pike can lever themselves off the lure way too easily without a barb, especially if they jump or tailwalk.


I only use a net when absolutely necessary now, and even then it is a lure-mesh which greatly reduces the likelihood of tangles.

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i sold my jw shooter as i couldnt get on with the over run on the thing, i just use my emblem 5000 with a 9foot 2 3/4 stalking rod now. if you havent used braid before then slacken off the clutch a little until you get use to the feel of it as its a totally differant fight then on mono as you feel everything, even the trace clicking over the teeth.hehe. i use a floating braid for spinning and wobbling as well as on rivers for deadbaiting and then a sinking braid for still waters as i like to pin my gear down.



hope you have a few.


wobbled pollan is my one :good:



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I didnt do to bad with the six shooter, only got one tangle, but i do use multipliers for sea fishing, so i seem to get on with them quite well...


I normally just tighten everything up for the first cast and then just loosen evrything until it feels about right :good:

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It's good advice, I still fish with 10lb mono but I use a fairly soft rod.

I have landed a 19lb weir pool pike on that rig, but I agree that you shouldn't fish lighter than you need to, there is nothing clever about losing a decent fish with a mouthful of terminal tackle left in it.


As were are talking about braid, can you please tell me what it the best knot for braid to swivel?

Do you use the Palomar, or is there something better?


I'll be piking tomorrow, weather permitting.

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I use the Palomar almost every time. I'll use the Grinner or Uniknot for a jerkbait trace though, as it is not possible to pass that through the loop on a Palomar, well, not unless you make the loop huge and then it would be unmanageable.


Favourite braid is Power Pro, and I either buy it in the USA when there, or get it from Dave Lumb.

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Thanks for the knot info, I have used net knots and annimated knots by grog before but seen that one.


Yes I was thinking about a knot to trace, and as you say the Palomar seems to be only for hooks or swivels.


We didn't catch any pike worth talking about, but some biggish perch to live baits and plenty of smaller ones to the ultralight spinning rig.

Small but plenty of it, semed to be theme this time out, must be global warming or something...


I couldn't remember catching a Zander before, but apparently I have, having looked at the old picture it was a bit smaller than this, so this now my largest, probably only about 4-5lbs though.



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