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.17 hmr and foxes


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Without trying to start a whole debate on the matter,

Is it true that you can't put foxes down on you FAC for 17 hmr?

I always thought you could as people seem to post pics of them on here. Just read from a google search that it has to be 17 center fire or bigger.

Obviously it's not the perfect tool - a 22 centerfire is best, but at least for close range fox cubs it's got pretty safe?


Any thoughts?


Toby :look:

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The land I shoot has pens on it so there are loads of foxes about. Thinking about putting them on my fac as well as vermin when I get one as I'm bound to see one at some point when after bunnies. :look: Interesting about the 22lr - haven't heard of anyone allowed to fox with them before :yes: Think I'll stick to hmr though

Edited by Tobyb525
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i've got fox on .22lr and .17hmr on my FAC (Herts constab class them as vermin).

If i come across a fox when i'm out with the .17hmr rabbiting then it gets shot, but if i'm out just for foxing then i take the .223




Tayside also class them as vermin(.22+.17) but will only put vermin on your ticket.I have printed out the e-mail from them confirming this and keep with my ticket.I think they do this as it's easier for them,I asked for fox for my .44 and it came back vermin.

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i've got fox on .22lr and .17hmr on my FAC (Herts constab class them as vermin).

If i come across a fox when i'm out with the .17hmr rabbiting then it gets shot, but if i'm out just for foxing then i take the .223



yep they class them as vermin though Interestingly I had fox put on my conditions after adding a .223 with no mention of which caliber it applied to.

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I had the FEO round yesturday for my application, he's put down .17HMR for ground vermin & 22-250 for fox and ground vermin.


Wouldnt give me the .22LR as he said I had no need to have it as the .17HMR would tick all the boxes that the .22LR would do, I said that i wanted to buy a sako Quad with both barrels so asked for it, but he said his commanding officer would question why i wanted both.


North Wales Police dont class the 17HMR as big enough for fox, but as another police officer told me yesturday (Not the FEO :look: ) a .17HMR is more than capable for use on fox to around 100 yards, and its not as if the police are hiding in the bushes ready for when you shoot one with the HMR :yes:


All the best...

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