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I tend to take the point that there is a growing trend towards 24g and 21g loads - I have heard rumours of old shooters ending up with boxer type injuries and it's not hard to work out that loads of recoil to the face and head can't be good for you long term, especially if you do a lot of shooting.


I have tried just about every cartridge known to mankind and for clays have settled on Eley Firsts because they represent the best value for money, good results and low recoil.


The other cartridges in the Eley range (which are more money and perceived to be a better cartridge by reference to price) are too thumpy for me. It's all a matter of personal choice. If you are new to shooting you will do what everyone else has done - you will try every cartridge, you will treat yourself to expensive pro bitch mother cartridges for "special" occasions and ultimately you will settle on a cartridge that you will use all the time because you get used to what it does and how it works and become consistent with it. Also, the more shooting you do, the more price sensitive shooting 100 carts into the air becomes.

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I will give those Firsts a go I think Mungler, Essex Gun do them for £120 per /T or £3 a box which is £18 per/T cheaper than the Blues, they don't advertise anything less than 28g in the Eley range, not saying they haven't got them of course.

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