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Fox with 22 subs


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Saw Charlie while out for a walk the other evening, he was about 250yds away. As I had no caller with me a blade of grass between the tumbs did the trick, you can see the result. Got him into 40yds and dropped him with a head shot, 22subs will do the job if you have the diciplin to wait until he is close and confidnet enough to take a head shot.100_0116.jpg


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Nice one pal,

Ive taken most of my foxes with my .22 , purely because its the rifle i'm most out with, and like you say call them in close and a good head shot will drop em every time.

I've got my eye on 2 dens at the moment with a total of six cubs growing up fast! I like to wait untill they venture out and about on there own before i take them . Just seems a bit more sporting than gunning them down at den!





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Correct on all counts Andy, the scope is a 4-16x50 BSA Contender I bought for $90 in Cabelas when I was over in Minnesota earlier in the year. To be honest I wasn't expecting great performance from such a cheap unit but it has worked out very well. Got the Harris bi-pod for $55, same one costs 120euro here in Ireland. Going back on business second week in July and staying about 80miles from Cabelas so will be dropping another few $$ there. I know people spend vast amount of money on scopes but I taught on a rifle with a killing range of between 30 and 80yrds it's pointless going to town on pricey optics. It's amazing how good you can get with a set-up as long as you understand that set-up regardless of how much it costs.

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