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All my deer stalking up to now has been on Muntjac with a .223. This has a moderator and is like firing a springer air rifle noise-wise. I don't even think about ear protection.


I'm about to take delivery of a 6.5x55 to take things on further but all my .243+ shooting has been on MOD ranges and even with moderators I've had to wear hearing protection. Am I stupid in thinking I'll be able to shoot the 6.5 with a mod without hearing protection? Or is is necessary with the bigger cals?


Second thing is which mod to choose. All the choice is doing my head in. I want the usual, as light and short as possible but with as much silencing power. My RFD is trying to push me down the way of the T8, but I'm looking at the PES T12 scout (current favourite although its 1" longer than the others) , the Predator P8 and ASE Utra Northstar.


Is there much separating them? Anyone tried them? I like the Pes as its thinner but can't find any actual tests as to how much noise they cut out.



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Had a PES on my old .22-250 and now have an ASE utra on my .243 I've never used ear protection with either rifles when out hunting can't say that the performance is any better on either. The one thing I found is the bush in the rear of the PES needs to be spot on. I prefer the ASE as a whole

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Mallet - is your ASE on the end of the barrel or the northstar type? Henry is it the Wildcat Predator P8 with 8 baffels you've got?


Herein lies the problem. All the mods have similar names and reading reviews I'm never quite sure exactly which they're talking about....


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I own three ASE Utra Jet-Z Compact/CQB, a PES T12 and a PES (T12) Scout. Of those three types, the ASE Jet-Z Compact offers the right blend of compact design, efficiency and indestructibility. The full-length T12 is just as effective as the ASE, but it is comically long, particularly on a 26" barrel on a .270 Win, although this is really on a problem if shooting from a vehicle or clambering around on high-seats (the Scout improves on that issue). I will gradually weed out the PES mods from my cabinet and replace them with ASE. I have now used the reflex ASE NorthStar, and it is an excellent bit of kit, and cheap for what it is.


I owned two T8s, one old, one the current (smaller version). The T8's sound attenuating qualities are good, but the valid, wide-spread concerns about corrosion would deter me from buying a T8 again. Border Barrels are producing an all-stainless version of the T8, which looks very good value.


I would not buy a Predator. I had one offered to me, and next to a piddly little ASE Jet-Z, the P8 is massive. I think there are lighter, slimmer and ultimately more effective alternatives, that don't require additional baffles to function properly.


I would say that a PES T12 Scout or something from the ASE stable is what you should aim for.


Edit: I can and sometimes do shoot my rifles without hearing protection, but I always try to wear my Peltor SportTac ear defenders if possible.

Edited by Baldrick
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I have a 6.5x55 with a Predator 8 on it and I'll happily shoot it without hearing protection. It really makes a huge difference to the noise! I have an ASE Utra S5 on my Hornet and that is a nice mod. I've heard some very postive comments about the Northstar and if it's made anywhere near as well as the S5 it will be a very good moderator!


Edit...If you ever find yourself in my area give me a call. You can let off my 6.5 with and without the mod and see for yourself!

Edited by njc110381
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