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Unwell wabbit and freak pigeon


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This rabbit was all hunched up, and at first thought it was a youngin. Realised after watching it for a while that it was very well, so though I better shoot it.

It's teeth were very yellow, so not a young one, but was small and thin. When gutting it, I noticed that the main intestine, which is usually bloated and big and brown, was flat, with virtually nothing in it (as it hadn't been eating).


Also, the smaller intestines were full of clear jelly, as was the surrounding guts. Poor thing.


Anyone else seen this? Wondered what would cause it.





On a brighter note :good: shot this funky pigeon. It came into the decoys from a long way off, as I saw it's bright white wings a long way off. Almost looked like a magpie coming a a pace. As it got closer one could easily see it was a pigeon, so I imagined it was a feral jobby, though we never get them round here.


Turned out to be a woody after a trip to the feather-dressers. :D





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