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i was at work and the following shift told me about it. it had only just happened, and i got home to every channel on tv showing the same feed, tower 1 collapsing. i do not like watching the footage, many people are dying and they are helpless, thats what i dont like. i'm not squeamish(at all) but my heart truly goes out to the victims and there families. i'm glad with the war on terror we(uk) stepped up immediately with the states. say what you want about the yanks but they are our brothers and only true allies in the world............jamie

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Jamie, are you sure ? Given the support the colonies have given us I think the Americans are far from our only Allies. Australians did not need Tobruk, Canadians did not benefit from D day and the support from troops in the sub continent was amazing.

Take a trip to the states, it will open your eyes to just how blinkered they are.

Gung ho does not do it justice - do a search on friendly fire :good:

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I was working in an optical lab loading a lens blank into the gerber lathe when one of the girls from reception phoned to say to turn the radio on. I did one better and went imediatly on lunch break and heded next door to the dixions store were I watched it unnfold, I was so shocked by it that I never clocked back in on my return and got docked three hours pay.

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