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I arranged to meet rimfire4969 yesterday afternoon for a spot of decoying over some stubble not far from where i live...We arrived just before 4pm to see quite a few woodies floating around..We had to drive through a field of bullocks to get the stubble we were going to set up on...I think these bullucks were in training for a forthcoming rodeo,They were kicking and bucking all over the place,all round rimmy's Hi-lux...very funny to see...Once clear of the bronco's we drove round the perimeter to see what was about....we decided to set up with the sun behind us,up against a hedge in the shadows and the wind coming into our faces about 45degrees ish from our left..We'd seen a few birds using this hedge as a flight line....We got a pattern out of a rotary,shells and a couple of floaters,in the traditional horseshoe pattern..and a hide was sorted quick time...A few woodies dropped in as we were setting up,But soon got a shift on when they saw us...We sat there for about 30mins before we saw another bird....We thought we'd be in for a quiet night as nothing was in the air...We saw the odd 1 in the distance..Eventually,we had a bird in the bag..After some woe-full shooting by rimmy and my-self..we finally managed to knock a few down and we both took some testing birds..Rimmy hit 1 so hard,it looked like it plucked itself...Never seen so many feathers in the air......after about 2 hours,we seemed to have a mini flurry of birds and we doubled our bag in the space of 5/10 mins....We noticed that some birds were circling round in a huge arc to get in to the pattern...The rotary was doing it's job lovely....We ended the evening about 7ish with 14 shot 12 picked...I know not a big bag,But the company was great as ever,Sarcasm and **** taking,From both of us...and the view over the cornish countryside was magnificent...Bodmin and the moors in the far distance..Must have been a 15 mile view...A very enjoyable evening's shooting...





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Steady on, i think i came up with at least 10 reasons for my dodgy shooting :D and as i remember you only had about 7 reasons for missing, so that makes me better than you :innocent:


Even so a very enjoyable evening :yp:


I wasnt going to mention the never ending excuse's from both of us....for example..."not shot for a while" or "it's a new gun" And my personal favourite..."The birds are flying to slow"...And not forgeting my attempt at a left and right...First barrel,bird folded lovely,second pull on the trigger...click,nothing..."mis-fire", i declared...Only to find an empty chamber when i broke the gun....DOH.. :P :P

Edited by smig4373
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