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New scope for 22-250?


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Well guys I know the old addage of "Buy the best you can afford" but I am on a very tight budget and would like to put a new scope on my BSA 22-250 which I use purely for foxing. Sure I would like a S & B or something similar but as I have said I can only get what I can afford, which is the cheaper end of the market I have come across this scope and would welcome any thoughts on it. Has anyone used one of these Walther scopes and are they any good?


If you scroll down to the large photo at the bottom the box says it is recoil proof but I surpose that it is questionable as to how much recoil it will take!

Any thoughts please Guys?


Edit: I am looking at the possibility of using something like this until times are a bit better then, when I could afford better, it would go on to my .22LR "Bunny Basher".

Edited by Frenchieboy
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I personaly would not go for that. I think you would be far better off saving a bit more money. I understand its probably hard but its more than likely to be a waste of £54 going that route. Have a look around for a better quality make 2nd hand scope. I bought one of these and put it on a 30.06 not a problem with recoil (a tad more than 22.250)

"Burris Sport Optics Fullfield II 3-9x40 Rifle Scope" (free bino's)


Ok its quite a bit more that the ones youv'e looked at but i can only see your purchase as wasting your money.


you could always sell the bins to get some money back :yes:

Edited by Dougy
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I hear what you are saying Dougy and have just looked at the scope you mentioned but it is well out of my price range! Yes I know only too well that you only get what you pay for. Unfortunately I live on Incapacity Benefit (for reasons that I would rather not discuss on open forum), even though I would rather work for my money. (Some things are out of my controll so please do not start labelling me as a social scrounger anyone) I really am on a very tight budget. To be quite honest I could only managed to get my 22-250 because it was dirt cheap from my RFD who is a close personal friend so let me have it for £100.00 knowing that one of the few pleasures I get from life is my shooting, or at least being out in the fresh air even if I don't get a shot. I have managed to scrimp and save for a reasonable gun lamp but it really is out of the question for me to find anything over say £100 for a scope, hence the reason for looking at "Budget Scopes" even though I would like to have some better quality scopes and equipment!

Please do not get me wrong, I am not saying that you are wrong or faulting you for what you have said but some of us face personal situations that we have very little control over!

Thanks for the reply anyhow! :yes:

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frenchieboy I've a mate who is probably about to sell a Nikko sterling scope




its only been on an HMR and is in excellent condition, I've a similar Nikko on my .223 and its been fine so far, you lack a bit at last light when the higher end scopes proove their worth but so far mine is shooting spot on and ok I probably switch the lamp on a little earlier than I could its not the end of the world. I know he was looking for @£100 so if you were interested I can check all the details and get some pictures. IMHO its a lot more scope for your money.

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No worry's frenchie,

If i had a decent spare scope floating about you could have it with pleasure,


I just think its a bum if you spend what little you can afford only to have wasted your money.


All the best Frenchie. hope you get sorted soon so you can get out and do some shooting :yes:

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