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  1. Look.. I got up to take a pee and ‘accidentally’ knocked the handbrake off. Little was I to know whilst on the bog, that we flew half way across the globe. Besides, I told you that in confidence when you were confiding your love of the ‘ginger one’ Gonna take a guess - Armourer 😉
  2. It’s the glint of Xmas lights I would guess?
  3. Me neither. Not everyone is as bad as some of us frequenting the site on an almost permanent basis.
  4. I don’t know if he checks his pm’s 😉
  5. Jaymo


    Which ever they’re following, it’s further regional instability in an ever declining world and that can’t be good. Dictatorships may be undesirable in many peoples eyes and the suppression of its citizens, but for overall stability, then they did seem to offer something.
  6. Now now. Don’t start being the voice of reason. But of course things are skewed when the name choice in a certain segment is traditionally set and limited, compared to other segments of society.
  7. Jaymo

    Marsh Man

    Swift recovery John. Let us know if we can help out.
  8. Best I start visiting various joints for research purposes then.
  9. Jaymo

    Xmas bonus

    At Spoons maybe, not my local
  10. Did someone say mince pies!!!
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