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20 mph speed limit


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Thing is we all make mistakes and a mistake at twenty is massively less likely to kill than 30 if you hit a pedestrian. At 40 well chances are slim.


It is hard to drive some vehicles at twenty I agree but in time that will change. Quite simply it will become something we look for in a new purchase so the manufacturers will have to take the lead foot on it


I am sure anyone who has seen a pedestrian and car collision will deep down feel the same as I do

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There's a blanket 20 mph speed limit over most of Brighton, it does make sense in the town centre, we have a lot of tourists and foreign students that tend to look the wrong way when crossing the road.

Problem however is that the police have said outright that they're not going to enforce it and there's no cameras in the 20mph zone apart from bus lane ones, so if you do try to stick to the 20 limit you end up with people trying to drive up your exhaust pipe, so it's actually safer to ignore it, drive at 30 and not have the distraction of some idiot behind you trying to be intimidating, not that you can get anywhere near even 20 mph with the traffic during the day.

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Got caught so opted for the course. Not talking of blanket limits now, but specific areas - schools, etc etc, for 20 mph. The course kicked off with everyone being asked how fast were they going and what was the limit. The results were put on a flip chart for all to see. What was obvious was that no one present was speeding in a 20 mph zone. When I queried this I was emphatically told that there wouldn't be. No explanation was forthcoming but was clarified when someone asked would that be because the option of the course would not be available in those cases.

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