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Ban on Game shooting ,This is BAD !!


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1. MPs call for ban on game shooting


There is no shortage of organisations and individuals justifying their existence by taking pot-shots at the fieldsports community but an uncomfortably high number of shooters insist there is no direct political threat to shooting. Given the outrageous amount of time wasted on devising unworkable and illiberal anti-hunting legislation, many wrongly assumed there was little appetite to launch an attack on shooting. How wrong could they be?


A recent Early Day Motion (EDM) put down by Labour MP David Taylor reads as follows: ''That this House notes that every year in Britain around 35 million pheasants and six million partridges are purpose bred in cages, sheds and pens so that they can be released and shot for sport; is concerned about the suffering endured by these birds and by the large number of indigenous wild mammals and birds that are trapped, snared, poisoned and shot to protect this activity; is alarmed by the thousands of tons of leadshot and plastic casings discharged annually by live quarry shooters, and also by the disruption caused to native wildlife at the start of each shooting season when the millions of pheasants and partridges are released; and calls on the Government to enact legislation at the earliest opportunity to prohibit the production of birds for sport shooting, in line with the ban introduced in Holland in 2002.'


It must be said that EDMs simply allow MPs to express their support for an issue. However, I find it extremely disturbing - but not surprising - that at the time of writing 65 MPs have signed Mr Taylor's EDM. That means more than 10% of MPs currently sitting in the House of Commons want to ban game shooting. While one Conservative MP, Ann Widdecombe, has signed along with a few Liberal Democrats, the majority of signatories are Labour MPs.


There are some Labour MPs, such as our own chairman, who support shooting, but it is an unavoidable fact that this is a predominantly Labour-driven EDM. I doubt the signatories have read Labour's Charter for Shooting (or even know it exists) and perhaps they have forgotten Labour's Manifesto commitment to protect shooting. It all reminds me of the desperate clamour by many MPs during the pre-hunt ban period when they attempted to convince the shooting community that their sport would be safe with Labour - it was only hunting they were after, they said. Yet since 1997, during the time it took to cook up a single piece of legislation on hunting, almost 30 laws were passed restricting shooting in one form or another.


It cannot be long before a private member's bill is introduced which calls for the ban on driven game shooting. While most of them fail and it is easy to be dismissive of EDMs, the shooting community should not forget the consistent annual bombardment of Parliament by MPs launching private members bills to ban hunting. Eventually they wore down a hostile House of Commons. They could do it again.


You can find out if your MP has signed up to Mr Taylor's EDM by visiting

http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails....amp;SESSION=899. You can then make your views known both directly to the MP and at the General Election.

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Taylor, David


That this House notes that every year in Britain around 35 million pheasants and six million partridges are purpose-bred in cages, sheds and pens so that they can be released and shot for sport; is concerned about the suffering endured by these birds and by the large number of indigenous wild mammals and birds that are trapped, snared, poisoned and shot to protect this activity; is alarmed by the thousands of tons of leadshot and plastic casings discharged annually by live quarry shooters, and also by the disruption caused to native wildlife at the start of each shooting season when the millions of pheasants and partridges are released; and calls on the Government to bring forward legislation at the earliest opportunity to prohibit the production of birds for sport shooting, in line with the ban introduced in Holland in 2002.


Well if we are going to follow the 'cloggies' lead lets legalise cannabis for starters....lol


Then lets not vote for :


Corbyn, Jeremy

Russell, Bob

Prentice, Gordon

Hancock, Mike

Davies, Dai

Drew, David

Rowen, Paul

Hopkins, Kelvin

Flynn, Paul

Francis, Hywel

Williams, Betty

Pope, Greg

McDonnell, John

Clapham, Michael

Dismore, Andrew

Pound, Stephen

Wareing, Robert N

Iddon, Brian

Kaufman, Gerald

Vis, Rudi

Riordan, Linda

Pugh, John

O'Hara, Edward

Caton, Martin

Etherington, Bill

Crausby, David

Sheridan, Jim

Skinner, Dennis

Lazarowicz, Mark

Lepper, David

Mullin, Chris

Gapes, Mike

Berry, Roger

Meale, Alan

Miller, Andrew

Olner, Bill

Cohen, Harry

Abbott, Diane

Anderson, Janet

Austin, John

Walley, Joan

Hall, Patrick

Breed, Colin

Burgon, Colin

Farrelly, Paul

Simpson, Alan

Campbell, Ronnie

Dowd, Jim

Robinson, Geoffrey

Wood, Mike

Morgan, Julie

Harris, Tom

Cook, Frank

Godsiff, Roger

Truswell, Paul

Burt, Lorely

Hamilton, Fabian

Bayley, Hugh

Widdecombe, Ann

Featherstone, Lynne

Smith, Angela C (Sheffield Hillsborough)

Hood, Jim

Hoyle, Lindsay

Touhig, Don

Prosser, Gwyn

MacNeil, Angus





Dave B

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Labour = Fascists, sadly. Look at the increase of surveillance powers, increase of power to the Police, removal of shooting and anything which empowers the subjects to fight back.


Desecration of society and traditional values, fudging of figures to meet their own ends, increase of propaganda, lies to the public. It's very saddening but it's why I want out of Britain now, and why I am ashamed to call myself British.


I really hope they are ousted next time round; not sure our country communities can take another 5 years of this.

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The EDM is dead in the water, it was anounced in June, died soon after and had not gone anywhere.


The CA recycled it as if it was new news on their e-mail newsletter for some reason, can't think why.


BASC spent time at the recent party conferences getting cross party commitment to shooting - see our web site for details.



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