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Finished off the last of the cull this morning, with 18 fat, farmers grass fed goats. :D


I had a good position to start with, above on the hill, over looking the herd as dawn broke.

My trusty Zeiss 7 x 50 Jenoptems picked out the goats in hardly any light, with ease, i was well impressed. :P


I chose my target and sqeezed off a round at an anormouse billy,(pic bolow) my biggest trophy so far. :oops:

I took out a further 9 as it got light and then went down and done the gutting :rolleyes: :o .


Moved on after ringing the farmer to tell him to get the tractor ready :rolleyes::D


Took out another 8, over a period of 20 odd mins, one being a head shot at 103 yds :rolleyes: , spectacular to say the least, i got to see the eagles do their worst in the scope. :yes:


Their is 3 left, but they ran like hell for the hill and watching them threw the binoculars, they did not look like they were coming back. :good:


I got payed my fee and was thanked genorously with a traditional Irish Fry Up. ;);)


Thats it for the goats now, i left 2 feamales and a billy, if they breed over the next few years and become a pest again, ill be back :)



Second trophy and a nanny.


The 103 head shot. :angry:

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Frank, well done! ;)

The last picture almost looks photoshoped! :rolleyes: good work. Do you home load or use factory ammunition?


I use AMERICAN EAGLE 50 GRAIN HALLOW POINT .223 factory ammo Hunter, deadly and cheap. :o :P


The picture is as you see it mate, i have done nout to it . :rolleyes:


The ammo is below, they might make it .222, ask around if they do, im not sure. :rolleyes:





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Nice one frank wouldnt of minded doing that with the dogs. Wouldnt be as effective of course but would eb good sport im guessing. How fast can those goats move do ya reckon?


They can move at a fare speed,but not as fast as a lurcher.

Some fellas do use lurchers and terries to track and run them down, then use a shotgun at close range with buck shot to finish them off :good:


Personally, i prefer my .223. :oops:


Good shooting Frank ;) :o


Cheers miffy. :yes:


Looking farward to some july fox shooting now. :P



;):rolleyes: as always mate some great shooting and great pics , very well done to you, :rolleyes::rolleyes:





Cheers edd. :angry:

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Hi Frank,


the farmer must be happy now :rolleyes:


Well done.




Thanks very much Hubertus. :P


Im afraid my pics are not as good quality as yours, as yours are excellent, but i was in a rush to get things done and in the thick of it. :o Plus the morning was very dull and gray. ;) Luckily though, no rain. :angry:


I will try and get my pics sorted soon and get to know how to use this digital,camera for once and for all. :rolleyes:





Good work.

For what its worth I recon the CF rifle is a more humane way than the shotgun or the dogs.




Thanks Dave. :rolleyes:


I agree with what you say. ;)



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Well done Frank. ;)


The local kebab shop will be delighted. :o :P





;) Thanks Mark. :rolleyes:


Amazingly enough, some Jamaicans have asked me for some last week. :rolleyes:



Ah right, was wondering if you wanted to get rid of them for stick making


I have been told rams horns are better, is this true?

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Well done Frank. ;)


The local kebab shop will be delighted. :o :P





;) Thanks Mark. :rolleyes:


Amazingly enough, some Jamaicans have asked me for some last week. :rolleyes:



Ah right, was wondering if you wanted to get rid of them for stick making


I have been told rams horns are better, is this true?

Yes, was just wondering what sort of stick they would make. See DIY and craft section

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Great shooting Frank, job well done. ;):rolleyes:


Cheers Kip. :rolleyes:

Im exusted. :o :P and have just got a call from the farmer with peas to tell me that the bunnys are increasing, 3 by 3 :rolleyes: .

So have to make a trek over their at dawn tommorow with the rimmy. ;):angry:

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